Thursday, February 17, 2022

Trudeau the Dictator of Canada

I am sick to my stomach when I watch or listen to my prime minister. I always considered him to be an arrogant, fool who had no business leading a country. I was heart broken when my fellow Canadians voted for him a third time! But when arrogant, fools run a country they become dangerous. 

So here we are in 2022. Who would have predicted that Mr. Trudeau would go full dictator on us? 

To be sure, he was heading that way from the beginning. The trucker demonstration just gave him the excuse to push the gas pedal down harder. He has always intimated his love and respect for all things communist (read totalitarian). On numerous occasions he has publicly decreed his envy of Communist China, Cuba and Venezuela. And people continue to vote for him. He rewarded an Islamic terrorist who murdered a US soldier with millions of dollars and freedom to spread his bigotry in our fair country. There are far too many terrible things that he has done to list here. Some were just plain immoral (his bogus attacks on us while wearing black face on numerous occasions) but many others were serious breaches of our laws. 

                                            Trucker protest in Ottawa

Now we are at a crossroads. Do we continue to believe his lies and the lies of the mainstream media and of other bought and paid for politicians or do we finally wake up from our stupor?

For those who are on Facebook  (I don't advise you to join!) here is an excellent short clip about the other side's hypocrisy, especially during the recent Super Bowl from Ben Shapiro:

This is a possible last stand. I consider the truckers heroes. They have tried their best to wake the rest of us up with a peaceful protest to demand freedom.  But under Trudeau and his acolytes, the truckers are not simply citizens with a different point of view. They are the enemy and must be crushed. And their supporters too must be punished.  Rather than meet with the truckers to hear their concerns, he'd rather throw our entire country into a totalitarian state. Recall that he was perfectly fine with not only listening to, but supporting the often violent and bigoted Black Lives Matter demonstrations. You might also recall his advice for PM Modi of India when they were in the throws of a farmer demonstration. He stood with the farmers and lectured Modi on the rites of citizens to peacefully protest and strike. We can add 'hypocrite' to his character description.

Please understand that Trudeau's response has little to do with covid mandates. This is all about grabbing power and not letting go. For this, any excuse will do.  

If you think that this does not concern you, you are in for a big surprise.

There is much that I could write here but I loved what I read in the following article by David Solway.

Here is the link:

Or you can read it here:

From the perspective of freedom-loving citizens in this country, the trucker convoys and blockades protesting mask and vaccine mandates are a stirring spectacle of patriotism, civic responsibility, and true grit. They represent the offset to heavy-handed and arrogant government that is using everything in its power to suppress their efforts: threats, fines, police coercion, theft of property, and the manifestly illegal sequestering of funds donated to the truckers by private individuals. A conflict of this nature is often framed as the state versus the nation, the authorities versus the people. Whether it applies to the current situation, as we will see, is problematic.

The issue is the preservation, or restitution, of the government-violated Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms meant to guarantee common life in a democratic country—or, at any rate, a country now under the sway of an avowedly communist leader and several autocratic provincial premiers, a country that would appear well on the road to despotic control.

The problem is that fully two-thirds of the electorate rejects or is indifferent to the trucker revolt against unscrupulous and demagogic power. According to an Angus Reid poll, 54% of Canadians would like to see the COVID-19 mandates lifted, yet they are not interested in standing up for the Freedom Convoy that carries their banner. The trucker unions jealous of their perquisites and the bought-and-paid-for national press have also sided with the wielders of tyrannical authority.

Ironically, it is popular opposition to a popular uprising that will determine the future of the country. This explains why, despite the courage and the exhilarating display of patriotic fervor animating the trucker convoys, numbers of Canadians have left or are considering leaving the country. I know of many such. They are not defectors but long-suffering citizens who are convinced that they have read the writing on the wall.

The issue, then, is clear and the problem is obvious. The dilemma is that we may be witnessing the death of a nation. A supine and compliant majority population, even more than a corrupt and imperious governing elite, will determine whether the nation survives or not. The truckers are battling not only a prime minister who admires Communist China and Castroite Cuba, or a banausic troglodyte like Ontario premier Doug Ford, but a majority citizenry that cares little for democratic freedoms and wishes only to get on with things as they were, fully vaccinated and content to go about masked and docile like a Costco herd of narcotized zombies.

Is there still hope that two-thirds of the country will emerge from its stupor? Sites like No More Lockdowns Canada remain confident, thanks largely to the truckers. The editors write: “As we enter the third week of Freedom Convoy protests across Canada, thousands upon thousands of Canadians are uniting behind this movement which is becoming unstoppable. While Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford escalate their rhetoric by declaring states of emergency and attempting to vilify the peaceful demonstrators, Canadians are spontaneously rising to the occasion and participating in these historic events.”

My wife and I endorse that hope, doing what we can, writing and speaking on behalf of the truckers and, like many Canadians, digging into our savings to support their movement. But will that be enough? I confess that I am not sure. When the preponderance of a nation has wilfully surrendered to demagogic authority and heedlessly behaves as instructed, is that nation really worth saving? Can it be saved?

We might say that the truckers and their supporters are the vestiges of the old Canada, but they are an endangered species, a threatened minority. The mass of the country — the non-Canada in the traditional sense, Justin Trudeau’s Canada, Doug Ford’s Canada, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh’s Canada — is not behind them. Is a tragedy in the making? Does the fate of Canada hang in the balance? Must we prepare for the sequel, in whatever way is possible for us?

I think of Hamlet: I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Kuschner you are a biggoted , callous individual who I would happly remove FROM expo0unding your Jewish views, that is your interpretation of what Judaism teaches you.You must start every conversation with recalling what the world has done to the Jews, its time people like you stopped relying on that justification for you wishing death and destruction and rape on krainians

    ” Mostly I feel sorry for my fellow Jews who remain in Ukraine “ .

    What a disgusting narrow minded view. Spouting his personal vitriol based on what Jewish teaching he has butchered . It is time that Jewish commentators stopped using past atrocities as the basis of their current opinions

    Ukraine was a fledgling democracy battling with its split personality. Perhaps 30-% of its population was pro Russian. Now perhaps that figure is somewhat less. Iit has never separated itself from Russian influence.It has however been moving away from Russian hegemony, Not many of the Eastern European countries have progressed Politically. Give them a few more generations and we might see improvement.

    As regards fascism, The US is probably worse than most other countries in that regards, one disregards those in the US as they mostly live in their rural communities and don’t impinge much on the rest of society .They did their fair share of murdering, but the African population doesn’t come out with many statements as the one referred to above

    Putin is trying to resurrect an empire which was based on servility and servitude and cruelty . Russia led an empire without moral integrity It would be a terrible thing for the west to allow it to continue to exist in its present form.; Some time if not now NATO will have to confront Russia, its obvious that Moldavia Latvia and other the Baltic stated , possible Finland will be next Russia will probably assist China in a war against Taiwan The greater good is stopping Russian imminently not rolling over to the likes of Putin

    Basing present day political opinion on hatred probably learnt at your mothers knee is not acceptable .YOU DO NOT WARRANT credibility

    Dr Mike Smith Mississauga
