Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Future Looks Bleak

Now I know how my Jewish grandparents must have felt back in Poland in the 1930's. They saw this guy Hitler slowly rise to power in Germany, their next door neighbour. They experienced antisemitism their entire lives in Poland as did their ancestors. They knew its dangerous signs, how it starts and how it ends. Long before the Holocaust of WWII, they experienced deadly pogroms from their immediate neighbours within Poland, Ukraine and other nasty places. They saw how the wealthier and assimilated Jews of Germany and Western Europe were quick to appease their fellow antisemites. They saw how so many intellectuals were easily convinced to give up their rights to free speech and liberty. Elections became a joke. There were no multi-party systems. Only 1 party. Censorship became the norm. Free press? Forget it. In essence, they witnessed the decline of humanity, where the worst thugs became the rulers of the free world and they were way too powerless to stop it.

Can you see a parallel today? If you can't, you must be blind.

In most Western countries in the world today, we see that they have made a sharp Left turn. Again this has been insidiously going on for decades. Today it's on target to turn back the clock. One the most civilized, powerful and democratic countries in history is turning into Germany in the 1930's while most people in the world today don't see it happening right under their noses.

For 4+ years we've had a duly elected president who's had to face down a constant barrage of nasty attacks while accomplishing so much to make the world a better place. What thanks did he get? A second impeachment! Election fraud! Investigation after investigation levelled at him using millions of tax payer dollars and all revealing nothing. He accomplished so much in so little time. Things that his opponents swore could never be done. Like bringing manufacturing back to the US. Get more people good jobs than ever before. Help make peace in the Middle East in part by finally acknowledging that the PA is not interested in making peace with Israel. Making the US energy independent. He ratified the Keystone XL Pipeline that would bring oil/gas from Canada to the US, removing the US dependance on oil from her enemies like Iran. Biden has already announced that he'll be undoing all of these fantastic things.  There are far too many accomplishments to mention here.

Let me focus now on what to expect with a Biden administration:

Higher taxes. Fewer jobs. Complete censorship. Attacking everyone who does not conform to his Leftist ideology. A complete Cancel Culture. Let's Make America A Shit hole. Open borders. Let in millions of illegal immigrants who will no doubt vote for those who let them in. Re-invoke the dangerous Iran deal. Put Israel under the aim of nuclear missiles from Iran. Re-engage with the corrupt terrorist Abbas who has been rightfully sidelined thanks to Trump but who will now call the shots. Look for more wars throughout the world. Destruction of the middle class. Indoctrinate our students like never before. Without a Trump administration, there is no one on the right to stop any of this. I thought things were at their rock bottom during Obama's presidency. I was  wrong. This is a perfect storm. The Democrats (read Communists/dictators) control all aspects of the US federal government. To see this as not healthy, is certainly an understatement. 

Biden plans to undo every single accomplishment that Trump has done. He will bankrupt the US while enrich himself and his supporters like China, Big Tech, Big Pharma, the MSM, the educational system and other like minding crooks who hate America. 

So this is how it starts. On the surface, all is good. Many people might see this as simply someone else's turn to lead. All these nice words spoken of healing and coming together and the empty words of change. But isn't it obvious that things look bleak? The Dems stole the election and now they won. One would think that they would be thrilled and be in a great, celebratory mood. But they aren't. They are wild eyed crazy, intent on  attacking President Trump even after he leaves office. No less so is their focus on  every Trump supporter and conservative news outlet. (there aren't many left). The MSM has effectively almost completely silenced us already and Biden hasn't even taken office yet.

Too many on the right are equally blind to the acute danger of how the world is turning. They are not too concerned about the new Biden administration, complete with some of the most dangerous political leaders the US has ever had. Although they might have liked Trump's policies, they didn't like him. And although they are no fans of Biden, they don't think that even a demented nut job like him can ruin the most powerful country on earth in just 4 years. The Jews in Western Europe who were mostly brutally murdered by the Nazis and their supporters, would have probably agreed. But in just the past month alone, even before Biden takes office, the Social Democratic Party has already made the US a banana republic. We can count on them to pack the supreme court with far Left judges and to make left leaning Washington DC and other US territories, formal US states thereby giving them more Democratic senators thusly making Congress a permanent Democratic majority. The treasonous crimes committed by so many leaders in the Democratic party from Obama, Hillary, Biden & his family and others will not only not be punished but will in fact be rewarded. It seems that crime does pay after all. 

I have witnessed far too many weaklings on the right cave in to those on the left. At the most critical time, they are jumping ship, hoping to save their careers or perhaps thinking that appeasing the Left might make their lives easier. It is both mind boggling and heart breaking. 

Many will view this post as one written by an over dramatic right wing nut. Of course you have every right to your opinion (mind you, it's a limited time offer). I'm not trying to predict the future. No person can. But I'm trying to point out the obvious. If one wants to destroy our way of life, this is exactly how to do it. This is how it's been done before. This is certainly what my grandparents saw happen right before their eyes.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

My BS Meter is on High Alert

I've known for many years now that one can't trust the MSM (main stream media).  Nor can we trust governments, schools and our education system, social media giants, large corporations and others.

I believe that being a skeptic is generally a healthy way to be. 

But these days, the level of absolute lies and other BS is through the roof! 

It's so hard to sort out the real facts from so much fiction. I can't watch TV at all because just about on every station, subliminal attacks on conservatives, especially supporters of the President and of course all out attacks on him are broadcast around the clock. I'm not even talking about the insane, leftist, BS artists like CNN or MNSBC. I'm talking about every single 'news' channel including local TV and radio channels here in Toronto, Canada. The other day I was listening to a local radio AM channel to get the weather. The  man reported on the weather and then managed to insert a disparaging comment about President Trump. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Since when does this guy have the right to voice his political opinion on anything? If the station had labeled itself as an opinion based radio show, (like my blog for example) that would be fine. I would simply change the station and look for a non-political weather station. Ie. a weather station period. 

My email inbox is loaded with garbage. Most coming from the Left but some coming from the Right. From the Left one is currently bombarded with furious attacks on the president for his 'incitement to violence on the Capitol' followed by yet another threat to impeach him. Or Pelosi's concern that he might launch a nuclear war out of vindictiveness. His words are constantly taken out of context and he is constantly portrayed as a monster unfit to lead. The Left's sudden urge to seek for morality makes me want to vomit. For months they were not only okay with home grown terror groups like Antifa and BLM destroying lives, businesses and cities throughout the US, leading Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and too many others to mention egged them on. When asked point black about the attacks to court houses, police stations and thousands of small businesses, Nancy said 'people do what they do'. 

On the Right I get plenty of fake news articles about Trump leading a comeback by imprisoning the leading Democratic criminals before he leaves office. This garbage is not helping our cause. 

Worse is the over the top attacks by former Trump supporters who we now see were never real supporters in the first place. It's in times of trouble when one can discern who your real friends are. 

If you would have asked me a month ago whether Trump could rely on his VP, Mike Pence or Republican Senator Tom Cotton to support him I would have said yes. I would have been dead wrong. There are many others (RINO's) who I knew from the outset could not be trusted. People like Senate Majority leader Mitch McConell is such an example. He was always part of the swamp but he managed to play the role until now. Now that the story of him being financed by his billionaire Chinese father in law and the CPP has come to light I feel like a fool when I bothered to listen to his positive but fake remarks about Trump. Fake because he was setting him up.  At this point he might as well be working for the Biden team. The much talked about, majority conservative Supreme Court was a supreme let down too.

I am among millions of others who can see that the election was stolen. My young nephew realized this months ago simply based on statistical analysis. Trump won all of the required bell weather states that have historically proven that they must be won in order to win the presidency. Simply put, the math doesn't add up. Whereas Trump had tens of thousands of supporters at his rallies, Biden had a few dozen. Sleepy Joe who was hiding in his basement for the most part of the run up to the election managed to mysteriously get more votes than his former boss who like Trump also had tens of thousands of supporters show up for his rallies. 

I understand how easy it is to compromise a politician. All it typically takes is a threatening letter or email stating that 'we know where your children go to school'.  It's often that easy. Money also works.

It's now not about Trump as much as it is about Democracy. And the President has said so publicly. Too bad you won't hear it. Because the MSM media including those social media giants like Twitter (who banned him permanently), Facebook, Google and others will not publish anything the least bit positive from him or by supporters of him. They are putting all their energy and money to attack him and people on the Right like me. I would imagine that the way things are going, I won't be able to post this blog much longer due to my Right wing views. Meanwhile all the social media giants are totally fine with posting comments from our real enemies like the CPP (Chinese Communist Party) leader or the ayatollah's from Iran. And here I thought that free speech was sacred. How can one make up one's own opinion fairly if we only hear one side?

If I wrote a fictional novel based on exactly what's happened to the presidency of the US in the past 4 years, I would imagine it might get bounced due to an overly aggressive imagination. Those that are disparaging Trump now will pay the price later. Sadly people like me on the Right and a loyal Trump supporter, as well as my children and grandchildren will also pay the price. He gave his precious senior years to his nation. He got people jobs who thought that they'd never work again. And these were well paid jobs in manufacturing, technology and especially the energy sector when his predecessor said that these jobs were never coming back. As a Jewish activist he blew me away (in good way), when he backed Israel 100 percent. He is the first president who unlike Obama who only said he had Israel's back while stabbing Israel in the back, had Israel's back, front and sideways. While Obama and his crew empowered Iran over and over, Trump cancelled the dangerous Iran deal and laid crushing sanctions on the Iranian terrorist government and any other countries who supported Iran. They were working! This very real, existential threat to my Jewish homeland, Israel as well as to the world at large, should be far more concerning to people than his perceived persona and lack of communication skills. 

It's certainly an uphill battle for a nobody like me to try to offer an alternate view to an insignificant portion of society. Especially while so many on the Right are condemning him. People love to play a TV quarterback. That's when guys drink beer & eat pizza while watching football on TV.  They are watching while yelling their plays that their team should have done. It's easy to do and so insane to think that we could succeed where professional quarterbacks, and expert coaches sometimes fail. That's what I hear over and over right now about how he 'mishandled' the crisis at the Capitol building in Washington. Might I suggest that had any one of us been in his shoes, we would have most likely run from the Whitehouse like a screaming, crazed chicken, never to be seen again. He has gotten zero credit for all the incredible things he's helped to accomplish in a short 4 years while constantly being under attack from all sides. I'm disappointed to hear so many friends condemn Trump based on a few silly comments he might have made or worse, based on absolute lies made by the MSM. 

If I was him, I would run away with his family and real friends to a beautiful place, away from the media and finally relax. Be with the people who really love you and respect you and appreciate you. He gave so much of himself while not collecting a penny in salary for 4 years while his opponent managed to amass a fortune in the same period. (Trump gave every penny to charity- just like any real Nazi would do).

Mostly I find it insulting when those on the Right condemn him for his refusal to give up. How dare they!