Saturday, December 17, 2022

More Evidence: That the world is Upside Down

I thought I'd have some fun (sort of) with my blog title. So the following is a short list of the latest news items that will prove that the world is in fact upside down. In reality however, there is nothing funny about any of these news items.

                                            Upside down world

So in no particular order, here goes:

The United States announced humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. Apparently the 2 trillion dollars in aid (both military and other)  that the US has given them over the years was not nearly enough. Neither were the billions of dollars of the latest military weaponry that the US left them after they killed some US soldiers. Good news though. The US confirmed that their weaponry often breaks down due to the hot, sandy weather there. No more worries....

In order to avert WWIII with Russia, the US is now supplying Ukraine with the latest missile defence systems that only American soldiers can operate.  Apparently the 54 billion dollars they've given to Ukraine wasn't enough. 

In order to stop Iran from its completion of nuclear weapons which it has clearly stated that it wants to use them against both the great satan (US) and the little satan (Israel) and other states (Europe), the US and the EU continue to fund the worlds greatest terror state (Iran). Apparently the 1.7 billion dollars Obama gave Iran in cash, secretly overnight, was not enough. 

Americans and others in the West wish to help young children deal with severe depression and even suicide by offering and often pushing them into sex change operations with or without their parents approval. Offering a different opinion can land you in jail.

Following the science on Covid. There is much debate about the efficacy of the vaccinations available today. But having an opposing opinion or even questioning some of the supposed 'facts' about them (or other medicines) pushed by the very pharmaceutical companies that produce them, can land you in jail. This also applies to the strict mandates that the world (most of it) has undergone, such as closing schools, businesses, restricting travel and forcing the elderly to die alone in isolation. 

In order to save the planet, most countries in the West are pushing to get rid of fossil fuels and replace them with wind and solar power. Honest scientists will agree that not only is this not feasible at this time (maybe never), but attempting to do this now will cause misery and death to many on the planet. It already has. Recall the terrible Texas freeze because they thought they could replace oil (which they have in abundance) with wind turbines? What a disaster - they are still paying for it. Or how about Germany who laughed at then President Trump who warned them not to rely on wind or solar or Russian oil? Get your sweaters on....

The Supreme Court in Israel has outlawed the late Rabbi Kahane's, Kach party (the most pro-Israel, Jewish political party there ever was) but allows many vile antisemitic, anti Israel, Arab parties in its parliament (Knesset). 

President Biden suggested that Russia blew up its own multi billion dollar, under water,  natural gas pipelines. Hmmmm...

We have a president in the USA who rarely knows what day it is (I wonder if he knows the codes to their nuclear missile bases?) and a PM in my country, Canada, who like Biden gets everything wrong. Coincidence? I don't think so. Think WEF.

I got kicked off the Times of Israel blog because I had the audacity to accuse George Soros as an antisemite and a war monger. Their response: He's Jewish and he gives a lot to charity. They forgot to mention that he donates to their newspaper. 

According to the Biden administration, we are not in a recession. Sometimes he does change his mind. His proof? He still gets to fly on his helicopter anytime he wants and eat any flavour of ice cream he desires. 

CNN was the #1 news outlet from the US reporting on the war from Ukraine until it accidentaly filmed a Ukrainian soldier doing a nazi salute. Then they got kicked out.

Despite the tons of evidence that the US presidential election was stolen, the Democrats and other nefarious organizations and foreign entities have been and continue to crucify President Trump. Absolutely no let up from them. Meanwhile, just about every person who wanted to speak up about the corrupt Clinton Foundation have mysteriously died. As secretary of state she got away with using her personal phone for sharing top secret info and then destroying the evidence. Letting American's die a horrible yet avoidable death in Libya was another unforgettable achievement. 

But the Biden family has been arguably more criminal than the Clinton's. President Biden and his family (especially his son Hunter) have been compromised by just about every state government in the world. He has every government agency plus the mainstream media protecting him and his family from justice. His overt criminal behaviour gets an A for chutzpah!

Speaking of President Trump, who was the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president in modern times, most Jews (especially reform) accuse him of being an antisemite and comparing him to Hitler!

I could go on and on but I'll stop here (for now).

Happy Hanuka and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Jews like her, we don't need!

This is the second time I'm posting about Whoopi Goldberg. I hope this will be my last about her. My previous post Leon's: The World is Upside Down  was a commentary on her comment: 'The Holocaust was simply white on white crime'. For that she received a 2 week suspension from one of the worst TV shows on air today, 'The View'. 

This time on the show, they were discussing Kevin McCarthy'S (most likely to be the next speaker of the house) plan to kick Democrat, Ilhan Omar, out of her current job on the Foreign Affairs & Defense committee after her many antisemitic remarks. She also hates America too (that's why she moved here from beautiful Somalia). One of the ladies on the show said that Ilhan's comment declaring that the US, Israel, Hamas and the Taliban as all being terrorists was disturbing. 

Whoopi commented 'It depends on who you talk to'.

Whoopi identifies as a Jew. She isn't. She never converted. The most Jewish thing about her is her fake last name. She is as Jewish as Kanye West who also thinks that Blacks are the real Jews (or Hebrews as he calls themselves). 

In these days of 'identification', she is certainly entitled to call herself Jewish if she wants. When I play pickle ball at the gym I rarely bring my membership card with me so I'm forced to borrow a friend's card when I need to go the bathroom. When I borrow my female friend's card I always declare that at that moment I identify as a female. It's a joke. But Whoopi is no joke. Maybe she thinks that by calling herself Jewish, it entitles her to attack Jews. Anyone who supports real terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Taliban or in any way sympathizes with them or has the least bit of trouble identifying them as terrorists are themselves complicit in the terror they do. 

She had previously apologized for her Holocaust remark (sort of). What will happen this time? Will she get another 2 week suspension from the show? I can guarantee that if a white Jewish person like me (but famous - not like me) made the following comment on a TV show where people were discussing the KKK and someone called them evil and I said 'It depends on who you talk to', I'd be fired so fast that the door would hit me on the ass as I left the building. 

She got off easy once. Now she needs to go (ie. leave the building). I suggest that she moves to Gaza and then she can make a proper assessment as to whether Hamas is a terrorist organization or not. Perhaps she can take Representative Ilhan Omar with her where she can live out her antisemitic dreams with the non-terrorists she loves.  One last quote from Ilhan: she described 9/11 as the day 'some people did something'......

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Ukraine: Do You Get It Now?

Back in March I had written 3 posts about Zelensky and Ukraine in close succession because I saw the danger of the world approaching a world war (possibly nuclear) with Russia over Ukraine.

Then the world was 100% in favour of helping Ukraine at all and any cost. Both the Right and Left were in lock step on this. Even most of my Zionist friends were on board with it. Of course Jewish liberals were on board due to Tikun Olam thinking. (Whenever I hear that from the Left I want to vomit)

Many people both Gentile and Jew considered Zelensky to be a hero. A Jewish hero no less. By now his 'Jewishness' has been debunked. He was born a Jew but that's as far as he took it. Leon Trotsky the founder of deadly communism was also born Jewish. That factoid taken on its own means nothing. 

Now, thank G-d, 'only' 80% are in favour of helping Ukraine at all costs. 

Some of my Israeli blogger colleagues were in awe of Zelensky and his heroic heroes who stood up to big bad Russia. Even people who I respected like Dennis Prager explained it simply: Russia invaded Ukraine so Putin and Russia are the bad guys. He left out all context! No wonder so many consider Israel occupiers of Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank). They also leave out all context. To them the context began at the end of the 6 Day War. Likewise in the Ukraine/Russia war, the context we are fed, began just 9 months ago.

I will not repeat the details I wrote in my previous blogs but feel free to check them out if you haven't done so. In addition there have been many treaties that have been broken both by Ukraine and NATO that I didn't mention.   In one of my posts, titled: Can the War in Ukraine Spark a World War? I was warning of exactly what almost happened recently and what may yet still occur, G-d forbid!

The other day it was reported by EVERYONE (except for Russia) that Russia fired 2 missiles into Poland! Zelensky went to the air waves immediately and tried to call for WWIII with Russia. After all, Poland is a member of NATO unlike Ukraine. When one NATO member is attacked then all the remaining NATO members are obligated to defend their fellow NATO partner. Zelensky knew from where the missiles came from but lied to the world. He and his puppet masters were hoping to draw the world into a war with Russia and/or at the very least continue to put pressure on us to continue to send billions of dollars in aid and weapons to Ukraine. Russia was able to disprove this hoax in 10 seconds by both examining the missile fragments in Poland and offering their own missile tracking data. 

Also please don't forget about Russia's underwater natural gas pipeline that was blown up not so long ago. Biden would have us believe that Russia blew its own pipeline up. Of course anyone with a brain knows better. This supply of gas could have helped Europe endure the cold winter that is already upon us. Now countries like Germany & Poland and others will suffer. I myself am not losing sleep over them but I am losing sleep over a possible world war over Ukraine that has been fanned by the US and it's western allies. I am also losing sleep of the millions of dollars that my own, in debt country, Canada, continues to send to Ukraine when it cannot even supply cold medicine for infants here!

The good news is the truth came out just in the nick of time and saved us from WW3. The bad news is that no matter what, Zelensky, his puppet masters and his nazi factions in Ukraine are still viewed as the good guys. I want to impress upon you exactly how close we came to WW3 just now. But every day that we continue to pump billions of dollars into one of the most corrupt regimes on earth and continue with our mantra Ukraine-Good, Russia-Bad, we are inching towards a catastrophe. As it is, the world is suffering. Hyper inflation, food shortages, energy shortages, crime waves and wars erupting everywhere are evidence of this. We need to de-escalate this war ASAP! 

We've seen this before. For decades, modern Israel has been under constant, daily attack from her Muslim neighbours and the world at large. What so many Jews and Israelis in particular couldn't understand is why so many in the West and in particular their ally in the US didn't get it. They kept restraining the Israelis. Forcing them to give up precious land and most precious of all, lives. Then 9/11 happened. Finally the Israelis thought, their American friends will understand exactly what the Israelis have had to deal with all those years. But to their chagrin, it didn't help one iota. Nothing changed. The immediate conversation by so many, including American leaders, was to appease their radical Islamic enemies. They blamed themselves for the carnage of 9/11 and of course Israel too. Islamophobia became and remains the word of the day. American political leaders like Ilan Omar got away with describing 9/11 as: 'some people did something'. 

One last point. Throughout the MSM (mainstream media) and every single government in the world (including most Israeli politicians), none have mentioned the nazi elements within the current Ukrainian government, never mind their vile antisemitic past history. I find it ironic that so many on the Left accuse us right wing conservatives of being nazis but when real live nazis are running Ukraine, they are overlooked and even hailed as heroes and sent tons of money.

Recently CNN (not my favourite media outlet) filmed Ukrainians celebrating their 'winning ways' in the war with Russia. In the clip they focus on a Ukrainian waving their national flag while standing on a moving vehicle. Eventually he added the nazi salute. For that CNN, who has been championing Zelensky and Ukraine, has been banned from Ukraine. 

Here is the video clip:

In short, Zelensky and his nazi colleagues have taken a page directly out of the Palestinian playbook. They beg the world for money, lie, perpetrate hoaxes continually, use their citizens as pawns, could care less what damage they may cause us and become billionaires in the process. I don't blame them. They see that it worked for Arafat and Abbas. I blame us!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

80 % of the World Does Not Like Us

Some of you have already received my original email on this topic. But it lacked context so I decided to include it in my blog here now with context.

For some who might not know, Kanye West (now goes by Ye) is a very successful Black American musician and fashion mogul with a huge audience in the tens of millions. He stands out as one of the very few Black entertainers who does not follow the typical Hollywood scene that is dominated by people on the Left and its Democratic base. He even had the courage to publicly support President Trump. 

                                     Kanye West

Joe Rogan made his claim to fame as a mixed martial artist commentator in the UFC. I would credit him (and a few others) for mainstreaming that sport world wide. As someone who practices martial arts for many years I often watched the sometimes brutal sports to learn some of the subtle jiu jitsu moves that only he was able to describe and explain. He then moved into having a very successful podcast with millions of followers. I occasionally watched them when he interviewed people that interested me. 

                                    Joe Rogan

What both these men have in common is their huge influence on millions of ardent followers and their Right wing stance. 

Tucker Carlson is the most popular news show on Fox News. I often watch him because he does not follow the mainstream narratives. So his shows often interest me. I am not naive and realize that he is also a propagandist of sorts. But not to the extent that I see on the Left on 'news' shows like CNN or MSNBC. He recently interviewed Ye West. I didn't find the interview too interesting other than a confirmation of where Ye's politics lie (on the Right). Frankly I find it difficult to listen to Ye as he readily admits that he suffers from mental issues (bi-polar?). 

(By the way I have never heard Tucker say much about Israel, either positive or negative. I've certainly never heard him support Israel. If I'm wrong, please let me know. I consider him to be one of the 80% of the world who does not like us but not a true antisemite.)

Needless to say, that interview went viral (4.5 million views on youtube). Shortly thereafter Kanye tweeted "I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE,” later he added “The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.”

Around the same time, Joe Rogan interviewed Roger Waters who is a former lead member of the famous rock band, Pink Floyd. Waters like West and Rogan has many followers and has a huge influence as a rock star. For decades Waters has made it crystal clear that he despises Israel. He wants it to disappear from the world just like Hamas, Hezbolla, Iran and many others. Unlike them he pretends that he is not an antisemite. He has no problems with the Jews, just Israel. He uses his concerts and any opportunity to push his racist agenda. He did so with Joe Rogan. The trouble here was that Joe never once pushed back on his vile, antisemitic comments. I was shocked when I watched the interview because I know that Joe has the balls to ask the tough questions of his guests on his show. Not only did he not ask them, he often agreed with Water's comments. 

These events with Joe Rogan and Ye West sparked a huge and ongoing controversy. West was kicked off of Twitter for his antisemitic remarks. Not sure if Rogan has suffered at all over his tacit agreement with Waters. 

The emails were flying in my inbox. This is what precipitated my email and this blog post. I had some colleagues who wanted to crucify both West and Rogan while others defended them. Both sides made great points. That's when I wrote the following email to my contacts but I've edited a bit here.

Let’s face it. About 80% of the Gentiles in this world do not like us Jews. Maybe a better way of saying it, is that they are not in love with us. I’m not saying that they are all antisemites. I’m simply saying they don’t like us. Maybe it’s resentment of our success or maybe it’s a mix of many other reasons. Most of these people have every right not to like us. Just like I have the right not to like them. I’m not advocating that they must die or suffer in any way nor would I incite others to hate them. Likewise most of this cohort of Gentiles (and some self hating Jews) are not waking up in the morning conspiring how to hurt us with words or physically. 

Out of the 80% maybe 10 to 20% are real, true antisemites. Roger Waters is such an example. 
I don’t believe that Joe Rogan is. Nor do I think that Kanye is. Like I said, they might not like us but they are not busy hating us. They have other things on their mind. Kanye had some issues with some powerful Jews so he’s not a fan. I can bet that he had many dealings with Jews both in the shmata business and the music business that might have pissed him off. Joe Rogan is no historian and leaves it to his assistants to do his research for him. They probably turned to Google, FB or Twitter and they all side with Roger Waters.

To be fair, how do we decide that we like or dislike a people? If I lived in an isolated town somewhere and I met a Jew who ripped me off and he was the only Jew I ever met, chances are I might formulate a negative opinion on all Jews based on that one case. Is it right? Of course not. But human nature, what it is, that is sadly often the case. 

That leaves a mere 20% of Gentiles who actually like us. They are truly philo-semitic. We rarely hear from them. Now and then some of the more famous ones become known to us. People in the past like Mark Twain, Raoul Wallenberg (in my original email I included Churchill but it sparked some controversy so I used Raoul instead), Martin Luther King and others. Or more currently, some brilliant deep thinkers like Jordan Peterson, Salim Mansur or one of my favourites Douglas Murray. 

That leaves about 60-70% of Gentiles who don’t like us but I would not call them antisemites because they don’t HATE us. We don’t know who they are because they are quiet on this topic simply because it’s not that important an issue to them. 
I'm sure we've crossed paths many times. Would I trust them to save me in a Holocaust? No!  But let's be fair. Could they trust us to save them in a Holocaust? You will have to answer that question honestly, yourselves. 

Rather than debating to death who is good vs who is bad (sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes it isn’t) we should try to turn those 60-70% of Gentiles who don’t like us into liking us. It certainly couldn’t hurt. ( I wouldn't waste much effort trying to turn around the 10 to 20% of the real antisemites.)  A good way to start would be to offer a free guided trip to Israel sponsored by the Israeli government and supported by Jews everywhere (us). The tour would include trips to the borders, Yad Vashem, talking to the politicians, seeing the Holy places (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) and other incredible sites. Kanye is a religious evangelical. Can you imagine how he’d love to walk where his prophet Jesus walked? Let them talk to our arab enemies and decide for themselves if apartheid really exists there. Let them meet the many victims of terror in Israel (all faiths). I’m pretty sure that Abbas and other PA/Hamas leaders would shun them for taking the free trip in the first place. So chances are, people like Joe Rogan would not try to appease them and hopefully come home singing a different tune. 
Candace Owens is a wonderful, bright, articulate young Black American, conservative woman with common sense. She is Ye's friend and was seen with Ye wearing shirts saying' White Lives Matter'. This took some serious courage for both of them to display in public. I also suggest that she should talk to West and get him to explain better (he is a terrible communicator) why he said what he said and exactly what he meant. I personally don't think he was calling out ALL Jews. I think he was calling out the Jews that he had issues with. She needs to explain that many of his followers might misinterpret his remarks and it might spark some serious antisemitic incidents. 

                                                Candace and West

I have a few Righteous Gentiles who follow my blog and emails religiously and I couldn’t be more grateful. Because there are so few of them, they stand out like a bright light to me and must be encouraged to support us. 

Like I said, I won’t bother following Joe Rogan any more (I didn’t ever really follow him anyways). That’s my prerogative. I’m sure that he hasn’t read my blog either. The same with Kanye. Not a fan of his music, don’t care about fashion and he frankly is just not that interesting to me. I don’t hate them, just don’t like them right now. If they change, I too will change my opinion of them. Like I’ve said so many times before, we are such a small % of the world’s population. We need all the friends we can get and we simply can’t afford to alienate the world when it’s not necessary to do so.  I also believe in Truth. So all the facts and the context is always important to hear and acknowledge. I very much appreciate my colleagues who called out Ye and Rogan for their 'normalization' of antisemitism even when it comes from the Right. I did so myself. But it's our response that matters. We must be able to differentiate between the really vile Jew haters like Roger Waters and others like Joe Rogan and Ye West. Therefore if you chose to follow people like them or even be a fan of theirs, I will not judge you, nor will I call you out on it. If I did, I’d have to call out 60-70% of the Gentiles who don’t like us, and that serves no purpose. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Queen, shmeen

After reading numerous articles and watching the news about THE QUEEN (ad nauseam), and how fantastic she was and how great the monarchy is, I felt compelled to write this post.

What really got to me were the hundreds of social media posts, decrying what a wonderful woman she was especially from my fellow Jews. 

One can easily find many facts from Jewish articles about how she knighted the late chief rabbi of England, Jonathan Sacks. That was great. Or how she listened with interest to Holocaust survivors when they told her of their escape from Europe and how she even delayed her departure from that event, contrary to monarchy rules (WOW!). How she had many Jewish friends is also a common dubious theme. How about when she hired a mohel (kind of a rabbi who does Jewish circumcissions) to circumcise her son, King Charles. (double WOW!)

Of course there are literally millions of posts about how she'll be so missed (not by me). Her natural beauty and eloquence. Her intelligence, incredible work ethic, posture, costumes, taste, etc.

The world simply won't be the same without her.

Now let me tell you some things you might not want to hear but you should in order to make a fair assessment about who she really was and a bit about the monarchy.

She never once visited my Jewish homeland, Israel, despite visiting over a hundred other states including most of Israel's enemy states, some of which she visited more than once. 

Why didn't she?

Could it be that Britain never forgave Israel for bombing the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 which was British headquarters at the time? Just so you know, that the British sided with the arabs at the time and stopped Jewish immigration to Israel during and after the Holocaust. Millions of Jewish lives could have been saved from the nazi ovens but England (and most other countries) did not let the poor Jews escape to Israel. Some Jews in Israel had enough of the Brits. They were tired of fighting off the arabs who were often supported by the British so they finally bombed the hotel. 

Years later the queen was visiting King Hussain in Jordan when she and the King's wife witnessed Israeli jets flying near the border with Israel. They were both appalled by the site. How terrible for poor Jordan to have to put up with their Jewish neighbours jets who were guarding Israel from Jordanian terrorists!

Then there is her upbringing. In the 2nd photo below one can see her as a child giving a nazi salute along with her uncle, the former King Edward VIII who was a nazi collaborator. The first photo is of her uncle who is palling around with his real nazi friends in Germany in 1937.

Here she is at age 7 doing a wonderful nazi salute!

The monarchy has always blamed the conflict in the Middle East on those pesky European Jews. If only they stayed in Poland, Ukraine or wherever the hell they were in Europe. They have helped to shape the politics in Great Britain in this regard. 

In any case, we'll never know why she refused to visit Israel. 

I do know this. The British monarchy has cost my Canadian citizens millions of dollars over the years. Every time she or a member of her royal family came to Canada, we had to provide security, expensive hotels (only the best for the queen), travel, meeting with government officials and others. 
Add to this we have a governor general who represents the queen (monarchy) who gets paid an annual salary ($50,000 but this might be out of date) and lives in a beautiful residence in Rideau Hall. Has an expense account of $25,000 (again this might be out of date) and employs numerous aids and secretaries. All finances paid for by regular Canadian citizens like myself. 

When I used to work in downtown Toronto in a provincial ministry off our main street University Avenue, I would constantly see city workers plant flowers along the island in the middle of the boulevard. It happens every spring. But then the queen announces a visit and then it was decided (no one asked me) to rip out the newly planted flowers and plant new flowers that were more appropriate for the queen. Now I'm not blaming the queen for this, I'm blaming our stupid government. 

If you were to total the cost of the monarchy to all members of the common wealth, not just Canada, I can only imagine what the queen and her monarchy cost the world over all this time. Billions?

The question is: What was our benefit? I know that we have a lot of homeless people on the street or mothers who can't feed their children. I would much rather dump the queen and save our money to help them. 

The queen was a figurehead. Was she a vile antisemite like her uncle? I don't think so. But she meant nothing to me and if you liked her, great. But please let's get all of the facts out in the open so we can make a fair assessment about her and the monarchy.

Monarchies are remnants of the past. I would suggest that almost (if not all) monarchies today must go. They serve no purpose other than to sustain themselves in a disgusting display of extreme wealth. Most royalties today are extremely corrupt. Look at the ones in Africa and all Muslim states. 
Princess Diana left close to $30 million dollars to her sons. They represent some of the most entitled people on the planet. Of course who can forget prince Harry in a nazi uniform:

I predict that the monarchy will slowly collapse into dust in just a few years. I certainly hope so. 


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Left is Behaving like a Cornered Rat

Some of my worst fears are coming true. The Left is over the top and has lost any sense of fair play. They realize that they are in trouble. They realize that they will most likely lose the next presidential election as well as possibly lose the senate and the house of representatives. So they will do anything and I do mean anything not to lose. And they are. 

                                Girl bitten on the face by rat (inset). 

When a wild animal is cornered they are dangerous. Even an animal as innocuous as a small rat can attack a human being if it feels threatened. That is today's Left. In the US they call themselves Democrats. Here in Canada they are Liberals, NDP, Green Party and others. In Israel they are Labour, Yesh Atid, Blue and White and others. The US just launched a new political party called Forward. They call themselves centrists. I submit to you that there are very few, if any, real centrist parties in the world's political arena. 

As Thomas Sowell recently stated in his brilliant piece The Point of No Return he notes that 'the issue is that we've degenerated to a point where we are destroying ourselves before our enemies can'. It's no longer about Democrats vs Republicans. 

Yesterday the FBI raided President Trump's home in Florida! A few months ago, a Supreme Court Justice was threatened publicly by many including Chuck Schumer,  the senate majority leader of the Democratic party. The last election was clearly stolen under the nose of everyone. At that moment, the US officially became a banana republic. At that moment I really began to worry. If we can't have fair elections, how can anyone overthrow the current Marxist regime?

We are a hop, skip and a jump from the current government in the US, dragging former President Trump outside in his underwear in front of the world with CNN cameramen waiting. I know as I say this, many on the other side would wish nothing more. They couldn't care less what happens to their country as long as they get to see the legally elected former president who they hate, embarrassed and physically hurt on camera. I despise the current, corrupt, demented president yet I wouldn't wish that on him. Not because I feel sorry for him. I do not. But because it would hurt the US. And because I like to think that I follow the rule of law. 

I find it beyond frustrating that so many on the Left hate President Trump for reasons that for the most part they can't even articulate. Likewise they like Biden for the same non-reasons. 

As time moves forward I see the Right wing parties throughout the world getting more and more diluted. What was Right years ago is now in the center. What was Left is now Marxist and dangerously corrupt Marxists at that. 

I have no answers or suggestions. I am simply an observer. All I can say is hold on to your hats, we are in for a rough ride ahead. Our enemies are paying very close attention to our behaviour and are patiently waiting for the right time to really strike. Clearly they've been attacking us all along but so far, we in the West have mostly been spared. I don't know why G-d hasn't just let us get what we deserve already. He is clearly more patient than our enemies. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Brilliant Speech defines exactly who President Trump Really Is!

I recently watched a brilliant speech about former President Trump by Tom Klingenstein. I have no idea who he is (I'll find out though). His words were exactly my thoughts. I urge you to watch it.

I was talking with my cottage friend the other day about the US. He made a comment: Why can’t they find a decent president out of 350 million people? He was putting down both Biden and Trump. I told him they had the right guy in Trump. He called Trump a racist. I responded: How could he be a racist when he had a black woman as manager for his company for decades? Or have his closest aid be a kippah wearing Jew and boast about having beautiful Jewish grand children? He mentioned how Trump and his dad would not let blacks rent their apartments in New York back in the day. I said that if my friend owned apartments in NY back then he would do the same thing. It’s called self preservation. Most all of the black tenants in that part of NY back then, were nasty, didn’t pay rent and were violent. I know this is politically incorrect to say but nonetheless it was a fact. That's why most of the landlords then behaved the same way. Calling him a racist based on that alone is not only unfair, it's not true. 

As a former landlord I totally get it. The real racists are the Democrats in power today. Picking a woman of colour as VP who’s as dumb as a pile of rocks or picking a black woman as a supreme court Judge who can’t  or wouldn’t define what a woman is. Allowing black criminals to get away with murder and a myriad of other crimes. To add insult to injury are the statues honouring such criminals. 

I was slowly appeasing some of my close friends and family about Trump. Saying things like I love his policies but not in love with his persona. But I wasn’t really telling the truth. I love his persona. He was/is a real mensch. He gives a lot of  money to charity (he just doesn't brag about it), he is loyal to his voters, super courageous, a loving father and likes to party it up. His work ethic is beyond normal. He loves America and would do anything to help average Americans to succeed. He rightly hates political correctness & wokeness and has the guts to stand up to it and call it out whenever he sees it.  He has plenty of common sense (more than enough to share with so many foolish ‘experts’). That said, neither he nor I have ever said that he’s a saint. He isn’t, I’m not, and 99.9% of the people on this planet are not. He’s a human being. 

I needed to hear that brilliant speech now to remind myself exactly who Trump is and not get influenced by the MSM or my friends. I can’t tell you how many times my friends poke fun at him or downright denigrate him. I'm not talking about the irrational Trump haters. They are beyond hope of ever coming back to reason. I'm talking about those in the middle of the road, perhaps even leaning right. Most call him an idiot while admitting that his policies were good. I can tell you right now that an idiot does not make good policies. 

Was he a great communicator? Certainly not the best but far from the worst. I would say that vis a vis communication, the most important aspect is to get your message across. In that he totally excels.
I readily admit that sometimes it's hard for me to listen to his often repeated talking points. But that makes perfect sense. As a Trump supporter and follower, I've heard him make those points before. But not everyone else has. Besides, if that is the worst thing that I could say about him, then he passes with flying colours. 

Just to set the record straight, have your heard all the speeches of former presidents? Especially when they are speaking without a teleprompter or any notes? Very few can do it successfully. Very few are willing to spar with a media who are in constant attack mode. Obama is somehow recognized as a 'good' speaker. I have watched videos of him stuttering and stammering when speaking off the cuff. Even loyal Democrats now readily admit that Biden is near brain dead and do all they can to limit his speech. Kamala says some of the most dumbest things ever spoken by a president or VP. 

I would say that perhaps his most important contribution to the world was to impress to us about the dangers of China. I recall seeing an interview with him that was at least 30 years ago where as a NY businessman he explained to the world at large, that China is our greatest threat and that world leaders, especially in the US need to focus on China and urgently put policies in place to stop them. Had we listened to him then, perhaps we wouldn't be in the position we're in today. American leaders then (both Democrat and Republican) thought that helping China economically, by giving them great trade deals that benefitted only China, would then make them a freer and honest ally. Trump was one of the only people back then who said otherwise. He was in business and knew exactly who we was dealing with and tried to sound the alarm. The rest were listening to academics who knew little about China or worse, they were already bought out by the Chinese government.

As a proud Jew, I am even more in awe of President Trump. His love of Israel and Jews is beyond heart warming. His logical and reasoned approach to the ongoing war in the Middle East blew my mind (in a good way). Like any thinking, objective person, he saw that pressuring Israel to give away pieces of their tiny country to their enemies in order to make peace, not only did not work, but made things worse. So he called out Abbas and the Palestinians. (Those are arabs in Israel who adopted that name for political reasons only. There is no such people). Instead he focussed on friendly Arab states like the UAE and Bahrain to make real peace deals with Israel (Abraham Accords) and stopped making payments to corrupt terrorists like the PA. Of course the Biden administration undid that like they did with all of Trumps winning policies. 

I first fell in love with him was when I heard him speak publicly about the dangers of Islam. He stated what most of us were thinking especially after 9-11. He advocated for a temporary ban from visitors from Muslim countries until 'we figure out exactly what's going on'. While so many countries throughout the world (most) were suffering from full on terrorism committed by Muslims, no one was calling them out for it. Quite the opposite. Political correctness and other nefarious reasons in fact made our political leaders become their stanch supporters. I was hoping that after 9-11, the world would wake up to that existential threat. A threat that my Jewish homeland has had to live with for millennia but especially since it's modern day re-establishment. But my hopes were smashed. President Bush sent a clear message at the time that Islam is not our enemy while letting a plane load of Saudi's flee home despite an air travel ban. Of course under Obama, the love affair with radical Islam flourished and attacks against Israel (some sponsored by the US) and Jews increased. 

From now on, I will be steadfast in my admiration to him! I particularly liked it when Tom said that not only is it incumbent on a president to have the courage to fight our enemies but to win! Trump always fought to win whereas most other Republicans fight just for show. They really don’t mind losing. Mitt Romney was a great example of that. 

G-d Bless President Trump!

Monday, May 30, 2022

If Israel Wants our Help, She Needs to Set an Example!

In contemporary times, modern day Israel has been an example of how heroic people should live.

Since the recreation of the state of Israel in 1948, Jews have prayed and fought heroically against all odds to not only survive the constant wars and daily attacks against them but push back their enemies and hand them brutal defeats.

But in recent times, they are not setting the proper example. Israel is a Jewish country, the only one in the world to warrant that incredible title. It is OUR country. So when innocent Israelis are murdered by crazed arabs in Israel on an almost daily basis, why do we let them get away with it? Why are we running scared? We have a very powerful military. Israel's economy is booming. Israelis are busy inventing things that help to save the world but fail to save themselves. They have arabs in their parliament who push for Israel's destruction. And because they are part of the current government's coalition, they seem to hold all the cards. Is this some form of insanity?

So many Jewish Israelis have been brainwashed to hate orthodox Jews more than they hate their real enemies who want to kill them. Many youngsters cheered on Obama when he visited them in Israel years ago. Of course there are many Jews in the diaspora who have dropped their Judaism in exchange for Leftism. I am in no way excusing them for their incredibly foolish and self destructive behaviour. 

But it's up to Israel to set an example for all of us outside of Israel. The more weakness she shows, the more weakness we will exude as well. When Israel shows strength, we will too. And the world will respect us for that!

Similarly to us in the West who over a 2% discount, threw out our manufacturing sector in favour of cheaper Chinese products, Israelis not only permitted but encouraged Arabs from the territories and beyond to take over Israeli businesses and in particular do any and all labour intensive industries. The construction sector in particular is overrun by arabs. Are Jews not capable of working with their hands? Of course they can and should. There are many super talented Jewish Israelis and others who are more than capable of building houses and cities throughout the land. Yet often greedy or fearful Israelis continue to hire Arabs to do that work. Maybe today the labour cost is cheaper but the security cost and threat to life is not. 

A recent terror attack in Jerusalem:

Not typically shown on mainstream news are daily attacks of arabs against Jews all over Israel but in particular in our most valuable and eternal Jewish capital city of Jerusalem. Where our own government prohibits Jews from going to the Temple Mount (99% of the time). And praying there (100% of the time). Here is a typical example of violence that Israelis must endure ALL OF THE TIME. But since no one got killed, it was not reported by the mainstream media. Oops, let me rephrase that. Since no Arabs were killed, it was not reported by the mainstream media.

Allowing arabs to build in Israel without permits on land they don't own is a form of civil suicide. 

They have capital punishment on their books but never use it despite clear cut cases of mass murder. 

There are too many no go zones throughout Israel, to mention here. Even walking in certain places in Tel Aviv can get you in trouble from local Arab gangs who shout epithets and cause Israelis to cower in fear.  For some reason the police rarely get involved.

Here in Toronto I realized years ago that we cannot rely on our government to protect us from Arabs and others who want to harass us or kill us. But unlike decades ago where I could look to Israel for courage, today I can not. Recently we witnessed the stark reality. Israeli Arabs took to the streets and destroyed cars and other property and attacked Jews where ever they felt they could get away with it. In many cases, Jews live in the midst of Arab neighbours in what Israel calls 'mixed cities'. Much like what transpired in eastern Europe years ago where Jews lived in their tiny ghettos in Christian dominated countries like Poland and Ukraine for hundreds of years. Sometimes the Jewish children even played with their Christian friends. But a spark of antisemitism remained amongst their longtime Christian neighbours. And it didn't take much for them to burn their Jewish neighbours alive. To be sure, not all Christians did the burning. There were some who were absolutely heroic in their steadfast support who risked their own lives in saving or trying to save Jews. Likewise in Israel there are Arabs, Druze and Christians who also support Israel and even enlist in the IDF. But like in Europe, they are by far a small minority. 

Yes, thank G-d, all is not lost as yet. Israel continues to be a place to study Torah and is loaded with some of the top Jewish minds in the world. Its military is still strong. It continues to harass Iran in Iran and Syria. It periodically infiltrates Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PA and other terrorist entities and hits them with bombs, destroys their munition depots and factories and arrests terrorists. But clearly it's losing the war on the streets of Israel. 

I have many friends and family who have made alliya to Israel. Kudos to them for having the courage and motivation to make a bold move to uproot themselves and their families to live in Israel. Some colleagues who've moved there, condemn me for 'wasting my time' calling attention to antisemitic incidents that occur here in Toronto or elsewhere in the world. Their simple answer: Move to Israel.

If I did move to Israel (I did live there for almost 2 years, some time ago) now, I'd be blogging similar antisemitic events occurring right under my nose in Israel. Only in Israel, those events often lead to Israelis being murdered. Israel often asks for our help both financially and spiritually. They want more tourists and they want more immigration. But if Israel wants our help, she needs to set a far better example than she is right now. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

What Happens if Ukraine were to Win the War?

As you know, almost the entire world wants Ukraine to win the war with Russia. Most people, governments and media are totally on Ukraine's side. They refuse to examine the complex history, both old and contemporary of Ukraine, Russia, NATO, Europe, interference by the CIA, etc. The reasons that Russia has given for its invasion have been summarily dismissed or worse, ignored entirely.  

We in the West have been giving Ukraine billions of dollars over the past number of years and continue to do so now. Zelensky has been doing a world tour of begging for dollars and military weapons. He has no problem comparing what's going on in Ukraine to the Holocaust or himself to Churchill. 

He tried and continues to try to shame and guilt the rest of us into helping him and his country out. He is doing the same thing that Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas have done and are doing now. Compelling the world to help them while they line their own pockets and their people suffer.  He also has no issue with silencing any dissent in his country. In many ways he's just like Putin. The only difference is that WE have bought his narrative, hook, line and sinker. We all know that Putin is a thug. But most of us consider Zelensky to be a hero. Many of us still think of him as a 'Jewish' hero. (I do not!)

We seem to be OK with suffering ourselves due to the economic sanctions that we put on Russia. Those sanctions hurt us more than they hurt Russians. 

Many on both the Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative feel this way. 

So many mercenaries from all over the world have felt the need to run over there and volunteer in the Ukraine army despite the sure danger they are placed in. 

It seems that the neo Nazi movement in Ukraine is the world's best kept secret! Barely any mainstream media ever reports on it.

So let's look at a scenario which hopefully never happens. (This won't happen because there would be a WWIII before this could ever happen- something else to consider).  Ukraine, with our immense help of course, wins the war! That is what most people want to happen. The problem is that most people haven't thought this through. If Ukraine was to win the war and defeat Russia, what do you think will happen?

Neo Nazis throughout the world will become emboldened. Their current small numbers will grow exponentially because they just witnessed how the world supported the largest neo Nazi country in the world. The neo Nazis in Ukraine would take over their entire government and Ukraine would become the de facto modern day Nazi Germany. Worse still, they would then control all of Russia's nuclear arms! A modern day Nazi Germany with nuclear weapons is surely something nobody should ever wish for. And WE helped them achieve that victory! 

Is that what you want? I certainly do not. That's why I've said that we should stay out of this. We should look at this war as some of us did when Iraq was fighting Iran. Let 2 evil rivals fight it out between themselves. Why do so many people think that when there is a war, there must always be a good guy vs a bad guy? Can there not be 2 bad guys?

There are many nefarious people, organizations and governments who are feeding us a narrative to help them line their own pockets with money and power. Right now the large military weapons manufacturers throughout the world but especially in the US are loving this war as they are making billions of dollars. They are pushing the US government and others to help supply Ukraine with weapons. I'm sure there are lots of kickbacks going on too. 

For Jewish activists like myself, I have watched the mainstream media and various governments throughout the world publish absolute lies about Israel since its modern day birth in 1948. For various reasons they and too many organizations (like the UN) have had an obvious anti-Israel bias and have aligned themselves with fascist Muslim states against the tiny Jewish state, Israel. I have thus learned to be very wary when governments and mainstream media outlets push a common narrative. That's why I am surprised when so many of my Jewish colleagues and friends on the Right have happily swallowed this mainstream narrative about Ukraine and Zelensky.

As I said in my first post about this war, that the truth slowly slips out. I have read some great articles about this and watched some fantastic videos as well. Many produced in India of all places. Most are historical documentaries that are more fact based and less opinion based. They are not short reads and are very detailed. Most people won't read them or watch them because of that. I'm not sure they'll even read my short post here. If you were one of the few who just did, I hope you at least give this some objective thought. 

Thanks for reading this!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The passing of one of the most revered Rabbis of our generation went by almost unnoticed!

 The other week, the drummer of a band called The Foo Fighters died. I knew of the band because I'm very into music of all kinds. Didn't know who the drummer was though. I doubt that too many people did. But that news went around the world quickly. Within a day of his passing, hundreds of millions of people heard the news. To some, his passing was upsetting. To be honest, it meant nothing to me. I'm not happy when a good person dies. I assume that he was but I really have no idea, nor do I plan to invest any time on finding out. 

A few days later a scandal broke out on the Academy Awards. I'd be shocked if you didn't already hear about actor Will Smith smacking actor/comic Chris Rock on stage in front of the whole world. Chris made a joke in bad taste (something they all do sooner or later) about Will's bald headed wife who suffers from alopecia (a disease where women lose their hair).  It was vile to watch. The video was replayed millions of times all over the internet and on TV. It wouldn't surprise me if the number of people who watched it or know about the incident, is in the billions. 

I don't know what kind of serious impact the drummer of Foo Fighters, Will Smith, Chris Rock or the Academy Awards has on humanity but I suspect that's it's close to zero. 

On the other hand, a couple of weeks ago someone passed away who had a huge impact on humanity, especially the Jewish World.  His name: Rav Chaim Kanievsky.  Did you hear about that?  Unless you are part of the orthodox Jewish community, I'd be surprised if you did. 

I thought as a blogger and a Jewish activist who seeks to inform the world on important issues, I'd make a point to talk about him. For all of us who care about keeping the Jewish religion alive, this was devastating news! Since I don't know a lot about him, my sister who used to live in the religious city called Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, where the rabbi once humbly lived and who she and her family had sought advice and blessings from over the years, wrote the following about him:

Amidst the clamour of the world, the passing of one of the most revered Rabbis of our generation went by almost unnoticed by most of us. Harav Chaim Kanievsky, passed  away on Purim 2022.  The funeral was attended by  approximately 600,000 people.
Rav Chaim was incredibly knowledgeable in Jewish learning.
From a young age he invested his energies in Torah study.
Each year, he studied and reviewed the entire Jewish Bible, the Babalonian and Jerusalem Talmud, Midrashim, the entire code of Jewish law as written by Maimonides, and the Shulchan Aruch.
All of this he learned together with numerous commentaries on all of the above writings.
In fact this year, he completed his yearly cycle of learning, right before his passing, at the age of 94.
He had all these books essentially stored  in his memory, verbatim.
He was one of the few human beings in our times who was able to master such a vast amount of Torah knowledge.
He was also extremely pure in all of his ways.
For the last 35 years, people from all over the world streamed to his door daily, seeking his advice and blessings.
From his purity of mind, knowledge of Torah and closeness to Hashem, he merited what is called "ruach hakodesh":
the ability to see and foresee what is beyond the grasp of most people.

A famous example was in the Gulf War of 1991, when Iraq was bombing Israel and threatening to send war heads of poison gas.  The Israeli government handed out gas masks to every citizen.
Rav Kanievsky promised that there would be no use for the gas masks, other than for Purim costumes.
The amazing fact is that there were no gas attacks and that the war ended abruptly on Purim, so as he predicted regarding the use of the masks...

Another story regarding Harav's "ruach hakodesh" was told over by Rabbi Chanania Cholak, the well-known founder of Ezer Mitzion.  This enormous charity organization provides medical services, equipment, counselling and meals to thousands of sick people and their families, without charge or for a nominal fee.  On one occasion, Rabbi Cholak asked Rav Chaim to bless a long list of ailing people with a speedy recovery.  The Rav blessed all but 4 names on the list.  Very surprised, Rav Cholak investigated the enigma, and discovered that these 4 people had already died.
There are countless stories of this type.
These two can easily be validated.

Harav Yaakov Yisrael Lugasi explains that Rav Chaim was not just a "wonder worker."  Rather his ability to "work wonders" stemmed from his great faith in Hashem, and belief that nothing is beyond Hashem's power.  
He tells over the following anecdote.
An American family with minimal means moved to Israel.  They purchased a small apartment, and eventually needed to expand.  They found a rennovator who agreed to take on the job and asked for their hard-earned savings in advance.  In the guise of generousity he took from them only 119,000 shekels out of the 120,000 they had saved. 
Now he proceeded to break down the walls as a preparation for the enlargement.
But from then on, he never returned, and the American searched for him in vain.
This American came to Rav Chaim to seek advice.  What was he to do?
Rav Caim, proclaimed:
You have been left with 1,000 shekels.
You will rennovate your apartment on a budget of 1,000 shekels.
An so it came to pass that one day  the American received a knock on the door.
A man inquired, "I have seen your apartment standing unfinished for a while.  Why?"
The American explained his plight.  The man offered:
"I will make a deal with you.
I am a rennovator by profession, but I am new in this neighborhood.  I am willing to rennovate your home for 1,000 shekels on condition that you bring me publicity.
And so it was that the rennovator invested 160,000 shekels from his own pocket in a most beautiful rennovation,
for a mere fee of 1,0000 shekels.
For Rav Chaim, this was no wonder.
Hashem can do anything.
May we all take inspiration from this great man.

What a beautiful tribute to the Rav!  BTW, do you know the significance of the 600,000 people who attended his funeral is?  It's the same number of Jews who received the Torah at Mount Sinai!

To Rav Chaim Kanievsky and others like him, Torah study was life. In an age where sadly so many Jews have lost their way and worse, look down on religious leaders like him, it's high time that we give them the respect and honour they deserve!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

10 Reasons Why Zelensky is No Hero

I cringe every time I hear him being called that. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. A few days ago Putin offered Zelensky a way to stop the war immediately. 

    These are the 4 conditions: 

    Zelensky must agree that Crimea is part of Russia. De facto, it already is. Putin took it over when Obama was in charge.

    Zelensky must consider Ukraine to be neutral (ie. not part of NATO or demand to be). It isn't and wasn't invited to be a member (other than by loony VP Harris who invited them informally on her recent visit - talk about irresponsible escalation). NATO recognized years ago that because Ukraine is so corrupt, it couldn't be relied on to be a trusted NATO member.

    Zelensky must agree that 2 Russian controlled areas, Donetsk and Luhansk become independent states. Like Crimea these areas are almost completely inhabited by ethnic Russians. As such they have been attacked for years by Ukrainians.

    Ukraine must cease military action. Obviously if Russia stops attacking them, they should stop fighting back. 

Do you see a problem with these 4 conditions? I don't. If Zelensky wants to save Ukrainian lives immediately and end this war, he should agree to it. He could also add his own condition:

    NATO and Russia agree to rebuild the damage to Ukraine immediately. I'm sure Putin and NATO would agree to this. It would give Putin a way to save face.

But Zelensky (the hero) declined the offer! He was probably told to decline it by his puppet masters. 

2. Zelensky made a deal with the devil. He agreed to be the puppet of nefarious people including but not limited to:  corrupt oligarchs, WEF leaders like Klaus Schwab, George Soros who profits over wars, powerful rich and corrupt people like Bill Gates, the Clintons, the Bidens, Mark Zuckerberg and the neo Nazi nationalists who control his parliament. In exchange he gets paid well and gets instant fame. Not bad for a comedic actor who pretended to play piano with his penis for laughs not too many years ago. 

Here he is dancing in high heels. Clearly a man of many talents.

3. He is dangerously coercing us in the West to support a NATO (American led) no fly zone over Ukraine to stop any Russian aircraft from flying over Ukraine. This could easily spark WWIII! All it would take is a US jet to confront a Russian jet and blow each other up. This is his most dangerous act to date!

4. He encourages neo Nazi groups to be formally accepted into his government. Although small in number so far, they have undue influence. Recall the Nazi party in the early days in Germany? They too were a small percentage of German society and of the government. But look what they managed to do.

5. Zelensky pressures Israel to provide Ukraine with military aid. And did so publicly (I'm disappointed in Israel)! 

Israel has to deal with constant existential threats from her neighbours. Iran has military bases in nearby Syria that Israel bombs from time to time with its jets. The Russian military are there too to help instruct the Iranians and Syrians how to use their high tech equipment. But Israel and Russia have a tacit agreement that when Israel bombs these military installations, the Russians will let them know where they are and in effect gives Israel a green light to go ahead. Should Israel accede to Zelensky's demand to provide military aid, Russia will without a doubt stop the green light in Syria and elsewhere. Israel would then be in serious trouble! Zelensky certainly doesn't give a damn about Israel despite him being a 'Jewish hero'. BTW not that I care, but his wife is not Jewish, never converted and his son was baptized. As I said in my earlier blog, he is a Jewish as Bernie Sanders. (ie. only when it's convenient)

6.  Ukraine's voting record in the UN regarding Israel, stinks! Under Zelensky's leadership they have voted for resolutions (created by terror nations that are Israel's enemies) to condemn Israel twice and abstained once. As far as I'm aware, they have never once voted against any such resolution that condemns Israel. Again so much for the Jewish hero. 

7. Zelensky is using Jewish refugees in Ukraine as bartering tools (hostages if you will). He will either trade them for military equipment form Israel or perhaps insist that for every one Jew, 10 non-Jews must be taken by Israel as well. Although I have no proof for this yet, what other reason can be given for Israel's record so far on bringing home about 1500 refugees of which only 10% are Jews?

If I'm wrong here and it was Israel alone who demanded to take all refugees regardless of religion on 'moral' grounds' then we have a bigger problem with the current Israeli government. The tiny state of Israel who is under constant existential threat was created as a home for the Jewish people! As per the Balfour Declaration and Israel's own Declaration of Independence, it is clearly defined as a Jewish State. There are hundreds of countries in the world today but only 1 Jewish country. It's destiny depends on its Jewishness. Some of my own Christian friends have asked me why Israel is doing this. Even they understand that it would dilute the Jewish population within Israel. I have no problem saying this to anyone who considers me immoral for taking this stance. The last time a large number of illegal immigrants snuck into Israel from Eritrea, they were granted safe haven. They were housed near the bus terminal in Tel Aviv. Since then, that area has become a no go zone due the high crime rate there.

I find it disturbingly ironic that during the Holocaust not one country wanted to take in any Jews from Europe who were being slaughtered horrifically in large numbers. Yet today Israel is expected to take in non-Jews from a country with blood on its hands for helping to murder millions of Jews!

8. Zelensky is pushing for people from all over the world and his own citizens to join in the fight. As a civilian you will get (if you're lucky) one hour training and a rifle and off you go! To die that is. Some people call that heroic. I call that beyond irresponsible.

9. Ukraine has a vile antisemitic past. They were some of the worst, sadistic murderers on the planet, not only of Jews, but Russians, Gypsies and others. Knowing this (and he does), Zelensky still took the bait to become the president of this cursed state. 

10. Currently Zelensky continues to award his officials the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky! His claim to fame was the murder of tens of thousands of Jews in the mid 1600's. He wanted to eradicate the Jews. In  Ukraine today Bohdan is still considered a hero and there are many statues of him around the country. His picture used to be on their currency. (It still may be)