I recently watched a brilliant speech about former President Trump by Tom Klingenstein. I have no idea who he is (I'll find out though). His words were exactly my thoughts. I urge you to watch it.
I was talking with my cottage friend the other day about the US. He made a comment: Why can’t they find a decent president out of 350 million people? He was putting down both Biden and Trump. I told him they had the right guy in Trump. He called Trump a racist. I responded: How could he be a racist when he had a black woman as manager for his company for decades? Or have his closest aid be a kippah wearing Jew and boast about having beautiful Jewish grand children? He mentioned how Trump and his dad would not let blacks rent their apartments in New York back in the day. I said that if my friend owned apartments in NY back then he would do the same thing. It’s called self preservation. Most all of the black tenants in that part of NY back then, were nasty, didn’t pay rent and were violent. I know this is politically incorrect to say but nonetheless it was a fact. That's why most of the landlords then behaved the same way. Calling him a racist based on that alone is not only unfair, it's not true.

As a former landlord I totally get it. The real racists are the Democrats in power today. Picking a woman of colour as VP who’s as dumb as a pile of rocks or picking a black woman as a supreme court Judge who can’t or wouldn’t define what a woman is. Allowing black criminals to get away with murder and a myriad of other crimes. To add insult to injury are the statues honouring such criminals.
I was slowly appeasing some of my close friends and family about Trump. Saying things like I love his policies but not in love with his persona. But I wasn’t really telling the truth. I love his persona. He was/is a real mensch. He gives a lot of money to charity (he just doesn't brag about it), he is loyal to his voters, super courageous, a loving father and likes to party it up. His work ethic is beyond normal. He loves America and would do anything to help average Americans to succeed. He rightly hates political correctness & wokeness and has the guts to stand up to it and call it out whenever he sees it. He has plenty of common sense (more than enough to share with so many foolish ‘experts’). That said, neither he nor I have ever said that he’s a saint. He isn’t, I’m not, and 99.9% of the people on this planet are not. He’s a human being.
I needed to hear that brilliant speech now to remind myself exactly who Trump is and not get influenced by the MSM or my friends. I can’t tell you how many times my friends poke fun at him or downright denigrate him. I'm not talking about the irrational Trump haters. They are beyond hope of ever coming back to reason. I'm talking about those in the middle of the road, perhaps even leaning right. Most call him an idiot while admitting that his policies were good. I can tell you right now that an idiot does not make good policies.
Was he a great communicator? Certainly not the best but far from the worst. I would say that vis a vis communication, the most important aspect is to get your message across. In that he totally excels.
I readily admit that sometimes it's hard for me to listen to his often repeated talking points. But that makes perfect sense. As a Trump supporter and follower, I've heard him make those points before. But not everyone else has. Besides, if that is the worst thing that I could say about him, then he passes with flying colours.
Just to set the record straight, have your heard all the speeches of former presidents? Especially when they are speaking without a teleprompter or any notes? Very few can do it successfully. Very few are willing to spar with a media who are in constant attack mode. Obama is somehow recognized as a 'good' speaker. I have watched videos of him stuttering and stammering when speaking off the cuff. Even loyal Democrats now readily admit that Biden is near brain dead and do all they can to limit his speech. Kamala says some of the most dumbest things ever spoken by a president or VP.
I would say that perhaps his most important contribution to the world was to impress to us about the dangers of China. I recall seeing an interview with him that was at least 30 years ago where as a NY businessman he explained to the world at large, that China is our greatest threat and that world leaders, especially in the US need to focus on China and urgently put policies in place to stop them. Had we listened to him then, perhaps we wouldn't be in the position we're in today. American leaders then (both Democrat and Republican) thought that helping China economically, by giving them great trade deals that benefitted only China, would then make them a freer and honest ally. Trump was one of the only people back then who said otherwise. He was in business and knew exactly who we was dealing with and tried to sound the alarm. The rest were listening to academics who knew little about China or worse, they were already bought out by the Chinese government.
As a proud Jew, I am even more in awe of President Trump. His love of Israel and Jews is beyond heart warming. His logical and reasoned approach to the ongoing war in the Middle East blew my mind (in a good way). Like any thinking, objective person, he saw that pressuring Israel to give away pieces of their tiny country to their enemies in order to make peace, not only did not work, but made things worse. So he called out Abbas and the Palestinians. (Those are arabs in Israel who adopted that name for political reasons only. There is no such people). Instead he focussed on friendly Arab states like the UAE and Bahrain to make real peace deals with Israel (Abraham Accords) and stopped making payments to corrupt terrorists like the PA. Of course the Biden administration undid that like they did with all of Trumps winning policies.
I first fell in love with him was when I heard him speak publicly about the dangers of Islam. He stated what most of us were thinking especially after 9-11. He advocated for a temporary ban from visitors from Muslim countries until 'we figure out exactly what's going on'. While so many countries throughout the world (most) were suffering from full on terrorism committed by Muslims, no one was calling them out for it. Quite the opposite. Political correctness and other nefarious reasons in fact made our political leaders become their stanch supporters. I was hoping that after 9-11, the world would wake up to that existential threat. A threat that my Jewish homeland has had to live with for millennia but especially since it's modern day re-establishment. But my hopes were smashed. President Bush sent a clear message at the time that Islam is not our enemy while letting a plane load of Saudi's flee home despite an air travel ban. Of course under Obama, the love affair with radical Islam flourished and attacks against Israel (some sponsored by the US) and Jews increased.
From now on, I will be steadfast in my admiration to him! I particularly liked it when Tom said that not only is it incumbent on a president to have the courage to fight our enemies but to win! Trump always fought to win whereas most other Republicans fight just for show. They really don’t mind losing. Mitt Romney was a great example of that.
G-d Bless President Trump!