Friday, December 22, 2017

Europe Has It's Nerve!

Imagine a people who barely survived the worst genocide in modern history. The genocide took place in Europe. This group of people were small to begin with. But after the Holocaust their numbers were cut in half. This group had their own country for thousands of years which included wonderful leaders, judges, civilized people and government and founded the concept of true and real civility which along with other concepts such as time, monotheism, our basis of modern law and democracy. This light of civilization spread across the world to the rest of the people. Over time these people were conquered time and again by ruthless dictatorships who took over their land, tried to deter them from practising their faith, made slaves of them and killed them. But this small group of hard working, peaceful and determined people returned to their native land after every foreign invador. Some never left. 

If you haven’t figured this out yet, I’m talking about the Jews and the land of Israel. Jerusalem was established as the holy capital of Israel thousands of years ago by the Jewish King David. The holiest Jewish site in the world, our Temple was located there on what’s known as the Temple Mount.  Today what’s left of the temple which was destroyed twice and still waiting to be rebuilt, is a piece of the outlying wall which we call the Western Wall or the Kotel. This entire ancient, holy Jewish land is located in the eastern part of the city. 

Finally the president of the United States confirmed with reality, that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a brilliant show of integrity and leadership and common sense. Bravo President Trump!

EU Headquarters in Brussels

Enter the Europeans. At the UN and at other venues, their leaders are quick to condemn president Trump’s decision. They also admonish the Israeli PM for going along with Trump’s acknowledgement. 
Can you imagine the chutzpa (nerve) of Europeans for voicing their opposition to the same Jews who they persecuted or helped persecute and/or turned their backs on as the Jews were marched to the showers to be gassed alive or to the ovens to be turned to smoke and ash not that long ago?

I can’t. It’s beyond insulting for any one, especially the Europeans, to tell Israelis and Jew’s at large where they can put their capital. Of all people, the Europeans should shut up. Their holier than though attitude is sickening. Their love affair with Muslims is quite apparent. While many of their countries are suffering at the hands of millions of muslim migrants that they have invited in without any screening whatsoever, you’d think they’d have their hands full. Surely they’d be too busy to mind the affairs of anyone else when their own countries are on the brink of bankruptcy and their daughters are getting raped by muslim migrants in record numbers. Surprisingly, they are not too concerned with their own problems to blast President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish State or to blast the only democracy in the middle east for having the audacity of choosing their own capital. They have already decreed that all the Jewish holy sites have nothing to do with Judaism. They have even forgotten about their own religion, Christianity. In one fell swoop, they and most world states have agreed with the lying Islamic narrative that all of those holy sites are Islamic! 

Myself and others are waiting for a serious Islamic inspired terrorist event to occur in Europe. Germany would be an ideal place. We haven’t forgotten the Holocaust. Maybe then they will realize what they are doing and who their real friends are and turn things around. But I’m not holding my breath. Europe has lost any credibility it ever had. With all due respect: Europe please go to hell!


Anonymous said...

All a part of the anti-Western global Socialist agenda which George Orwell so astutely stated "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
When one looks here they see it all around with the taking down of statues, inventing new definitions for age old realities but for Jews specifically; the invention of a "Palestinian" People which defies logic and base historical fact.
Of course this is all about wiping out Western Civilization read: Jews: Judaism: Christianity and "Judeo-Christian" culture. The sad reality is so many people, especially Jews, buy into this revisionist narrative and continue to pass on a lie as though it is 'truth'.
The UN has never been a Western entity. Always a Globalist entity with 'equality', though elitist and Commununalistic it may be, at its core.
Trump did the right thing but sadly the age old subject of antisemitism has again crept through whether it be Islamic Antisemitism, "Christian" Antisemitism or Atheistic-Socialistic Antisemitism. My hopes is that Trump along with Israel's Prime Minister expand his "Fake History" statement given during recent speech by outlining the realities of the so-called "Palestinian" and putting that subject to rest for ever by stamping out that fraudulent label from history, annexing all their lands and finally honoring the first, failed, "Two State Solution" by deporting ALL of their Muslims to Jordan.
Merry Christmas and keep up the good writing!

Leon Kushner said...

Agreed 100%! And thanks!