Sunday, June 23, 2019

Is Trump's ME 'peace plan' a Waste of Time?

I love Trump but that said, he and his administration are not that different from all previous US administrations in their limited understanding of Muslims. Especially those in the Middle East. Abbas like all previous PLO leaders before him (that was meant as a joke as there was only one - Arafat) do not want peace. Like all dictatorships they thrive when their people suffer.

            Jared Kushner excited about his ME economic plan

Although I can't blame the Trump team (Kushner et al) for trying but I do find it frustrating to think that after decades of dealing with the worlds greatest enemy (Islam - no offence for those wonderful Muslims who sadly comprise a small minority) we still haven't figured that out. I of course recognize that I am not privy to the details of the now infamous 'plan' nor do I know the rational for it. I do appreciate one thing though. Their attempt to buy the arabs. Perhaps the one thing they like more than killing Jews is money. That said, we have been throwing tons of money at them for decades. Billions of dollars a year that is from the US, Europe, Iran, the Gulf States and practically every Western country in the world including of course my very left leaning country (currently that is), Canada. Has it worked? Has this money helped resolve any issues or has it been used by the terrorist dictatorships like the PA, PLO and Hamas to line their pockets and to finance terror? So even this ploy won't work. 

 Sure it's nice to read about the Saudis, Bahrain and a few others coming to the table and supporting the plan including possibly footing the bill. But despite me agreeing with most Muslim states that this exercise is a big waste of time (probably the only time I've agreed with them on anything) I feel it's dangerous and the wrong approach. Why are we always rewarding bad behaviour? We shouldn't negotiate with terrorists. It never works out in the end. Abbas and his administration along with Hamas should be treated as the criminals they are and should be put in prison. Instead of giving criminal terrorists tons of money in the hopes to appease them, we should defund them immediately. 

I'm sure you've been in this situation before; A poor guy on the street who amongst other things is an alcoholic, begs for money with a sign that says I'm hungry. If you give him some money, do you really thing he'll buy food with it or do you think he'll buy booze? This situation is no different except for the dangerous consequence it purports. 

President Trump has proven that he is a tough negotiator at all levels. I would have hoped that he'd remain so with Abbas who is no less a criminal than his predecessor Arafat was. I think that Trump has been influenced by his somewhat naive son in law on this and hopefully after it becomes obvious that it in fact was a complete waste of time and effort, Trump will use another approach. A big stick comes to mind.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous article Mr. Kushner. I have a somewhat different position regarding this subject. I firmly believe that President Trump should have stuck to his "Muslim Ban - until we figure out what the Hell is going on..." This would have forced the issue, as all Western nations must do; most especially Israel, to have the highest courts in the lands open the books on Muhammad and Muhammadanism; their histories, their respective belief constructs as mandated by their holy books themselves and most specifically the Sharia. And more especially in the focus on what Muhammad and Muhammadanism actually has entailed - theologically mandated speaking - for the kafir: You: "Harbis": You and Dar al-Harb: all non-Muhammadan nations.
I beg, had this been done, President Trump - or Netanyahu for that matter - would have forced open the doors to factually correct reasoning, base logic comprehension and all Western nations forcing their Muhammadan populations to 'self reflect' as to how and why Muhammadanism is the antithesis of everything we value in the West: Muhammadanism is vehemently combative toward, utterly intolerant of and thoroughly contradictory to everything the West was founded and values/d.
Further, this would place the theology of Muhammadanism into similar spheres of thoughts as Nazism, Fascism and Communism.
Even further, this would force the masses to question how, why, who etc. within our criminally negligent media, lobotomized educational systems and thoroughly emasculated and bent political institutions what else have they intentionally lied to the masses on for corrupt political agenda peddling reasons?
This would expose the mythology surrounding the so-called "Palestinian" People - a lie that should have been CRUSHED in '74. That "The West Bank" is actually JUDEA and SAMARIA - the ancestral homelands of the JUDEAN People: Jews not ARABS: Arabians from Arabia that came to the region largely through Jihad or intentional population transfers by Muslim Caliphs to crush any minority 'nationalism' movements etc.
Trump really can't do anything until Israel finds its Jewisness, confronts the above lies, sold as truth for decades, abolishes this 'land for peace' garbage, annexes all their legal, moral and ancestral/historical homelands West of the Jordan river and TRANSFERRING ALL OF THEIR "Palestinian" population to any of the over 50, once non-Muhammadan, lands of their choosing....
Thank you for your time.

Leon Kushner said...

Again, I couldn't agree with you more on this!