Monday, January 17, 2022

A video is worth a million words!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then certainly a video is worth a million. 

I'm going to share only 2 incredible videos with you (that adds up to 2 million words!) that perhaps you've never yet seen. Even if you have, these inspirational videos from some incredible people defending my Jewish homeland and the only democracy in the Middle East, are worth another look. I have watched them time and again and each time I am in awe of these people who spoke bravely and perfectly. They say that G-d provides the words to people when they sincerely need them. I believe it.

                                  PM Menachim Begin

The first video has made the rounds but proves that even plain looking people, with Polish accents can deliver a message across the world that needed to be heard loudly and clearly. I'm referring to Israel's Prime Minister, Menachem Begin when he admonished Germany's chancellor who was ordering (trying to order) Israel to give up Judea and Samaria (aka West Bank) to Arabs who wanted to create yet another Muslim state called Palestine. Doing so  would certainly have been suicide for Israel. I loved the way he just gave it to him as so many have failed to do, especially these days. The short speech was given in 1982 and so worth watching. He speaks Hebrew but there are English subtitles. 

Begin Defending his response to the German chancellor

There are so many incredible Jewish speakers from around the world who have delivered incredible speeches to those who needed to hear them.  I'm not talking about those in the sciences or medicine or the arts or culture although one can find them as well. I'm talking about those who inspired us at times when we most needed their inspiration. Men like Theodor Herzl who is considered by many as the modern day founder of Zionism and the man who helped push for the eventual founding of modern day Israel. He spoke before many disparate groups of people throughout the world to get them on board. From poor Russian Jews who were tired of the pogroms to world leaders in Switzerland who listened to him. Unfortunately those speeches took place before we had videos so in honour of him I'm including a photograph of him.

But I think that when non-Jews speak up for us, their words carry more weight. Since we Jews are such a small minority (we are a world wide population of about 15 million out of the world's population of about 8 billion) it is very important to hear their positive words. It's both heartwarming for us to hear them and it means more to the rest of the non-Jewish population. If they hear those words from a Jew they are often discounted as being biased. 

Lord Balfour of the Balfour Declaration fame was a great defender of the Jews as he felt we suffered more than enough and deserved to have our own country. PM Winston Churchill was another great friend to the Jews despite being surrounded with so many nasty antisemites at the time. Churchill was another great orator and his one liners are probably some of the most quoted in the world today. Again both of these great (non Jewish) men and many others came before the video camera's invention. 

                            Douglas Murray

So I've saved what I think is the best for last. This incredible speech (really an argument) was given by Douglas Murray of England back in 2012, I think at Cambridge university. He is definitely not Jewish but he is super bright and well read in so many areas. Here they are debating what to do about a Nuclear Iran. We need a million more Douglas Murray's! 


Douglas Murray Best Speech Ever!

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