Monday, May 30, 2022

If Israel Wants our Help, She Needs to Set an Example!

In contemporary times, modern day Israel has been an example of how heroic people should live.

Since the recreation of the state of Israel in 1948, Jews have prayed and fought heroically against all odds to not only survive the constant wars and daily attacks against them but push back their enemies and hand them brutal defeats.

But in recent times, they are not setting the proper example. Israel is a Jewish country, the only one in the world to warrant that incredible title. It is OUR country. So when innocent Israelis are murdered by crazed arabs in Israel on an almost daily basis, why do we let them get away with it? Why are we running scared? We have a very powerful military. Israel's economy is booming. Israelis are busy inventing things that help to save the world but fail to save themselves. They have arabs in their parliament who push for Israel's destruction. And because they are part of the current government's coalition, they seem to hold all the cards. Is this some form of insanity?

So many Jewish Israelis have been brainwashed to hate orthodox Jews more than they hate their real enemies who want to kill them. Many youngsters cheered on Obama when he visited them in Israel years ago. Of course there are many Jews in the diaspora who have dropped their Judaism in exchange for Leftism. I am in no way excusing them for their incredibly foolish and self destructive behaviour. 

But it's up to Israel to set an example for all of us outside of Israel. The more weakness she shows, the more weakness we will exude as well. When Israel shows strength, we will too. And the world will respect us for that!

Similarly to us in the West who over a 2% discount, threw out our manufacturing sector in favour of cheaper Chinese products, Israelis not only permitted but encouraged Arabs from the territories and beyond to take over Israeli businesses and in particular do any and all labour intensive industries. The construction sector in particular is overrun by arabs. Are Jews not capable of working with their hands? Of course they can and should. There are many super talented Jewish Israelis and others who are more than capable of building houses and cities throughout the land. Yet often greedy or fearful Israelis continue to hire Arabs to do that work. Maybe today the labour cost is cheaper but the security cost and threat to life is not. 

A recent terror attack in Jerusalem:

Not typically shown on mainstream news are daily attacks of arabs against Jews all over Israel but in particular in our most valuable and eternal Jewish capital city of Jerusalem. Where our own government prohibits Jews from going to the Temple Mount (99% of the time). And praying there (100% of the time). Here is a typical example of violence that Israelis must endure ALL OF THE TIME. But since no one got killed, it was not reported by the mainstream media. Oops, let me rephrase that. Since no Arabs were killed, it was not reported by the mainstream media.

Allowing arabs to build in Israel without permits on land they don't own is a form of civil suicide. 

They have capital punishment on their books but never use it despite clear cut cases of mass murder. 

There are too many no go zones throughout Israel, to mention here. Even walking in certain places in Tel Aviv can get you in trouble from local Arab gangs who shout epithets and cause Israelis to cower in fear.  For some reason the police rarely get involved.

Here in Toronto I realized years ago that we cannot rely on our government to protect us from Arabs and others who want to harass us or kill us. But unlike decades ago where I could look to Israel for courage, today I can not. Recently we witnessed the stark reality. Israeli Arabs took to the streets and destroyed cars and other property and attacked Jews where ever they felt they could get away with it. In many cases, Jews live in the midst of Arab neighbours in what Israel calls 'mixed cities'. Much like what transpired in eastern Europe years ago where Jews lived in their tiny ghettos in Christian dominated countries like Poland and Ukraine for hundreds of years. Sometimes the Jewish children even played with their Christian friends. But a spark of antisemitism remained amongst their longtime Christian neighbours. And it didn't take much for them to burn their Jewish neighbours alive. To be sure, not all Christians did the burning. There were some who were absolutely heroic in their steadfast support who risked their own lives in saving or trying to save Jews. Likewise in Israel there are Arabs, Druze and Christians who also support Israel and even enlist in the IDF. But like in Europe, they are by far a small minority. 

Yes, thank G-d, all is not lost as yet. Israel continues to be a place to study Torah and is loaded with some of the top Jewish minds in the world. Its military is still strong. It continues to harass Iran in Iran and Syria. It periodically infiltrates Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PA and other terrorist entities and hits them with bombs, destroys their munition depots and factories and arrests terrorists. But clearly it's losing the war on the streets of Israel. 

I have many friends and family who have made alliya to Israel. Kudos to them for having the courage and motivation to make a bold move to uproot themselves and their families to live in Israel. Some colleagues who've moved there, condemn me for 'wasting my time' calling attention to antisemitic incidents that occur here in Toronto or elsewhere in the world. Their simple answer: Move to Israel.

If I did move to Israel (I did live there for almost 2 years, some time ago) now, I'd be blogging similar antisemitic events occurring right under my nose in Israel. Only in Israel, those events often lead to Israelis being murdered. Israel often asks for our help both financially and spiritually. They want more tourists and they want more immigration. But if Israel wants our help, she needs to set a far better example than she is right now. 


Anonymous said...

Leon, we don't want your help. Fight Jew-hatred in Canada, but until you actually come to Israel, you are just a shameless virtue-signaler. And BTW, you seem to have more than enough trouble in Canada with your little fascist PM. Save your criticism for Canada.

Leon Kushner said...

I guess any person with an opinion that differs from yours should just shut up. Calling me names won't help you, me or Israel.