Sunday, October 20, 2024

Kamala, How Dare You!

After the Israelis got the leader of Hamas, Sinwar (let his name be forgotten), VP and president wanna be, Kamala Harris, tried to take credit for his death. How dare she? 

Not only did she have nothing to do with it, she and president Biden were dead against it. They tried their best to prevent Israel from going after Sinwar. Do you recall the recent fight between the Bibi administration in Israel and the Biden administration in the US? Bibi knew that the town of Rafah in Gaza which lies on the Egyptian border, was home to the top commanders of Hamas, a likely place to hide the hostages and was the main route for supplies and terrorists to enter and leave Gaza. The Egyptians were happily paid off to look the other way when military supplies, tunnel building equipment and all sorts of Hamas and supporting personnel were passing freely through their town. Huge tunnels spanning from the Sinai Peninsula underground into Gaza passed thru Rafah. Essentially without cleaning out Rafah, the entire war effort by Israel would have been for nothing. So the minute Bibi announced Israel intentions to clean it out and take it over, Biden, Harris, Blinken and the rest of the current US Democratic administration loudly said: NO, don't you dare enter Rafah!  Their stated reason? Who cares. I know the real reason. They don't want Israel to win the war. Like the war in Ukraine, the huge military complex and other nefarious groups like the WEF are thrilled to see wars, ongoing as long as possible. They want to see people suffer, as many as possible. They gain financially and they gain control of the people of the world.

The Biden and Harris families are as corrupt and compromised as any other major mafia family. Along with the Pelosi's, Clinton's, Obama's and a list too long to mention here. 

                                            Kamala Harris

It was the rank and file Israeli soldiers who finally located and eliminated the coward we know as Sinwar. Not the US and certainly not the Biden/Harris administration. If it was up to them (they certainly tried- they held back arms), they wouldn't let Israel into Rafah so Sinwar and the rest of his cabal would still be running the show out of Rafah! But now that Israel found and killed him, they are trying to take credit for it. What chutzpah!

Just like they warned Bibi not to attack Hezbolla or G-d forbid Iran. Luckily for us and the world, Bibi politely ignored them and successfully attacked both! I say better late than never but of course I can imagine the pressure he faces not only from the Biden administration but from his own people. 

A dear friend sent me the following link from a brilliant journalist from Australia's Sky News, Ms Erin Molan: It's a must watch if you haven't yet seen it!

After watching that clip we talked about how people like us latch on to incredible people like Erin Molan who say it like it is - straight!

The sad reason for us freaking out (in a good way) when we hear people like her speak courageously and with such moral clarity about our (the Jews) terrible predicament is because there are so few like her who dare to speak that way. As I just said, it takes both moral clarity and courage to speak like that publicly and on TV no less. She and others like her, who aren't Jewish nor are they Israeli, have nothing to gain from doing that. In fact they have plenty to lose. Like their jobs for one. Or worse, they could be removed from social media by their peers, friends or relatives! (can u tell I'm being facetious?)

Believe me it's a lot easier to jump on the anti-Israel train (it's the exact same as the antisemitic train). After all, there are about 2 billion Muslims in the world and only about 16 million Jews. And out of those 2 billion, quite a few (millions) hate non-Muslims and Jews in particular, to the point that they are actively trying to kill us. While out of the 16 million Jews, very few (if any) feel that way about non-Jews. So one really is looking for trouble if they in any way support Israel or Jews. 

I really do hope that decent Americans, both Jews and Gentiles wake up to the very important choice they face right now in their federal election. One is a man so devoted to saving his country from so many insane, anti-American, doomed policies including their anti-Israel policy, that he's taken a bullet. The other is a corrupt, compromised, Marxist, know nothing fool who is happy to throw America under the bus at any opportunity. If you care about America and want her to succeed you shouldn't vote for her. And if you do, you will not only be complicit it turning America into a banana republic, you will also be responsible in helping Israel's enemies to succeed. 


Leon Kushner said...

Check out this short clip from Kamala:
I can't imagine how anyone can even consider voting for her as the next world leader?!

Jack Krepel said...

Leon, Kol Hakavod. Couldn’t agree with you more. Kamala Harris is an empty vessel. If elected she will serve as a mouthpiece for the Obama cabal. And we all know how much Obama loves Israel.
What upsets me most though is the fact that a majority of the American liberal left is voting Harris solely because they hate Trump. This includes a majorly of leftist, liberal well to do American Jews. They don’t care about policy, the border, economy or even Israel. They simply hate Trump and will therefore vote Harris.
My dad (z”l) would say “dos is a groyseh shandeh”!
Hope people come to their senses.
Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱

Anonymous said...

Right on, Leon! 👏

Leon Kushner said...

Jack you got it and your father got it. G-d gave us a brain to think and a heart to love or hate. People are using their organs for the wrong purpose.
I too hope that they come to their senses and quickly.
Am Yisroel Chai!

Anonymous said...

2 weeks for her to hopefully screw up more and lose votes