It finally happened! Our esteemed Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau resigned! After a very long 9 years he finally announced his resignation on TV to the public. There was a loud sigh of relief. Not just from people like me who would have loved to see him put in chains for all the terrible, treasonous things he's done, but even from people from his own party (Liberal) who had enough of him.
Now that he finally announced it, the niceties abound from the very people who wanted him out. Not because they didn't like his destructive policies but because he was failing dismally at the polls. Very much like what happened with Biden in the US. For years and until the very end, he was lauded by the Dems as a saviour. As their main defence against the new hitler, Trump. But when it was clear that he would absolutely lose the next election, they dumped him faster that a nest of wasps. And just like here in Canada, as soon as Biden announced that he would not run again, the niceties resumed and were echoed by the MSM.
Biden and Trudeau are two peas in a pod. They are both dangerous fools who are clearly not in charge. They take their orders from other nefarious people and organizations, like George Soros, the WEF, the UN and others. They are both dummer than a pile of rocks and I'm sorry to say that people like that should have never come to power. I wouldn't hire either of them to manage a garage sale, let alone a country.
We have some terrible laws in Canada like no term limits for our PM. So in theory, Trudeau could have remained our leader for the rest of my life time, G-d forbid! But thankfully most Canadians finally came to their senses and let him know what they think. I do recall his first term when despite committing all sorts of evil deeds, he got clean away. If you criticized him in any way, you were ostracized.
Every term he felt more empowered and who can blame him. It didn't matter what he did. It could be small things like wear black face on multiple occasions (prior to taking office) or much larger things like giving an Islamic, convicted terrorist 10 million dollars! He was slick. Nothing stuck to him. He could do nothing wrong.
Recall the hijab hoax, when a Muslim girl made up a story about a man cutting off her hijab? His cries of Islamophobia were heard around the world within hours of when the story broke. It was he who led the charge. Yet after the story was confirmed as fiction, he never apologized. In fact he dug a deeper hole.
There are far too many atrocities that he's committed to mention here but as a proud Canadian Jew I must mention the following:
1. His disastrous immigration policy will leave us troubled for decades. Pretty much daily, some where in Canada is a pro-Palestinian demonstration. And peaceful they are not. I can tell you that it is very disturbing for me to witness their intimidating and often violent demonstrations that continue unabated for years. I blogged about what happened in May 2021 in downtown Toronto here. Why are these destructive people living in my country?
2. His economic policies stink! They are all run by experts in DEI and wokeism. His main foe as far as he and his party are concerned is 'Global warming'. His focus is all about green energy. Despite its obvious limitations today, if it was up to him, we'd all be taking the subways or buying expensive electric cars.
3. His fawning over the Gazans (Hamas) is brutally obvious. Calling out Israel for committing a genocide in Gaza puts him clearly on the side of Hamas. They made up that lie and he repeats it. Then to put a cherry on top, he declared that he would arrest Israel's democratically elected PM, Bibi Netanyahu if he stepped foot in Canada! No such decree to arrest any of the thousands of very real Islamic, terrorist leaders was made by him.
To summarize, he was and still is, on a sure path to destroy our beautiful country. By taxing us to death and spending like crazy, he's helped to make it into a welfare state that any third world country would be proud of. He's proved to be corrupt, compromised, a liar, a racist, dumb and arrogantly in love with himself. He thinks he's the best PM ever despite him being the worst, in my life time at least.
I hope that some authors will write the truth about him and what he's done. From the SNC Lavalin affair to firing Jody Wilson-Raybould (while claiming to be a feminist). From his priority given to idiotic costumes when visiting foreign countries to his Harris like made up words like 'peoplekind', there is much to write about.
Here he is visiting the PM of India:
I have blogged about my PM a few times already, here, here, here, & here.
We are not eulogizing a family member or friend where we intentionally omit any wrong doings that they might have done. So I for one feel obligated to tell the truth about Trudeau. He's done absolutely nothing good for this country other than finally resigning.
His last day in office can't come soon enough. I'm afraid of what he'll do why he's still our PM. That's why despite him announcing that he won't seek re-election, he needs to be kicked out of office sooner rather than later. Yesterday would be perfect!