Friday, March 7, 2025

My Letter to President Trump on his Tariff war with Canada

Dear President Trump,

I am probably your biggest fan in Canada and have been since the 1980's when you were one of the very few astute Americans who recognized the very real threat posed by China. 

I was and continue to be the one person in the room (any and all rooms) to defend you against most of the citizens in Toronto (a very left leaning city).  As a son of Jewish Holocaust survivors I am a proud, unapologetic Jewish activist. Although it doesn't pay very well (lol) I do it with zeal. Your profound support for Israel, my Jewish homeland that is constantly under existential attacks from so many, as well as your constant defence of Jewish citizens in the US is beyond heart warming.  I can't even put it in words! Thank You from the bottom of my heart!

In fact I am in total agreement with almost all of your policies. I am thrilled that you refuse to send another dollar to Ukraine for example. Again I was the lone voice in Canada back in 2022 when I questioned 'Why do we idolize Zelensky and Ukraine?'. I saw a danger when both the Left and Right jumped on the Ukraine train and convinced most of the world that we must support Ukraine and corrupt Zelensky who has amassed a fortune, at all costs while risking a nuclear WWIII with Russia. 

My country has been run by one of the dumbest, compromised, arrogant leaders in the entire western world. As you know, like Zelensky he is another WEF puppet. He has managed to help ruin our great country. I can assure you that he is hell bent on destroying our relationship with your great nation. That is the best chance the liberals have to win in our next federal election. To call you out as a crazy man who needs to be deposed. They already have attack ads against Poilievre who is our best bet as our next leader from the Conservative party where they portray him as your lackey in much the same way that Democrats portray you as a lackey to Putin. 

I would bet that your tariff war on Canada will help elect Mark Carney, as the next Liberal PM of Canada. Like Trudeau, he is another WEF puppet. But unlike Trudeau he has some smarts and therefore is much more dangerous. I certainly understand completely why you want to impose tariffs on us and although I'm far from an expert on tariffs, I urge you to weigh in having to live with yet another vile, corrupt, socialist leader of your neighbour to the north. 

Believe me, I totally understand that you want to punish Trudeau for his hateful and disrespectful public display towards you as the leader of the free world. He does need to be punished. A prison sentence is much more appropriate. 

Instead I sincerely hope that you offer to negotiate with Mr. Poilievre. He is a wise, fair, intelligent man who acknowledges our failures as Canadians. There is no question that we have let you down. We must pay our fare share towards NATO, NORAD, border security and trade dealings with you including unfair tariffs and government subsidies. As one of the world's best businessmen, I have no doubt that the two of you can work out a fair deal that will benefit both countries. Our country's resources are worth trillions of dollars (oil, gas, electric power, precious metals, diamonds, uranium, lithium and other minerals, potash, lumber, fish and the most fresh water in the world, to name just a few). No less important is our large footprint in the world which alone serves to help protect the US from nefarious foreign attackers. Together with like minded leaders we can form a very effective alliance while continuing to share common values. 

In so doing, you would help all of us (Canadians and Americans) to defeat Carney and the dangerous Liberal party. You helped saved Americans from a terrible administration, perhaps the worst in US history. You did it because you cared about American citizens. I beg of you to likewise help us. We need help to remove the yoke of the Liberal government in Canada.


Leon Kushner

Toronto, Canada

I urge you all to contact the Whitehouse as I did by using their website:


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