Thursday, February 13, 2025

Some Great Charities Worth Donating To

By now many of you know me as that opinionated, unapologetic, Jewish activist. The son of Holocaust survivors. In fact I attribute my activism to my mother who was also a strong minded, Jewish activist in her own right. At a young age she taught me about antisemitism and even communism. In simple lessons that even a child could understand. The beauty of the minds of children is that they lack guile. At a young age they have no bias and demand simple and straight forward answers. I'm not saying that they can't be fooled or brainwashed, they obviously can. But at a young age, schooled by the right people they can have important concepts, instilled into them that can last for life. 

The Holocaust was and remains a constant life long history lesson. A brutal one that so far has not been lost on me. I have managed to ignore the many distractions that are thrown at all of us, constantly and incessantly. I continue to study it even now (hint: I'm no longer a spring chicken/rooster). So when I hear about Holocaust survivors who are still with us today and living in poverty in my own city (Toronto), I get angry. Very angry. 

How can this be that in 2025 in this wealthy, democratic, western metropolis, Jews who miraculously survived the worst nightmare on earth, are suffering now? They need a place to live, food, medicine, care, attention and love. The Holocaust that took six million Jews from us and tortured millions of other survivors should always remain in our minds. That being the case, the welfare of any survivors living today also needs to be pushed to the highest priority. It's a blight on us all for allowing even one survivor to live in poverty today and being isolated from society. 

So here's the good news. In Toronto, there is a Canadian designated charity (ie. if you donate to them, you will get a legitimate tax receipt) called:

Jewish Family and Child Service

By the name, you can tell that they do all sorts family related work including: looking into child & women abuse, adoption, camps, financial aid, mental health counselling, hospice and on and on. Please checkout their website on the above link. 

One of the very important services that caught my attention was Holocaust Survivor Emergency Funding. I met one of the staff who told me the following facts:

1. There are close to 4000 Survivors living in the GTA (greater Toronto area) of which 1/4 of them are living in poverty

2. They receive assistance through community agencies including JF&CS.

3. JF&CS helps over 900 survivors with emergency medical and dental needs not covered by OHIP - including hearing aids, glasses, incontinent supplies and more  

4. They also provide gift cards to our Survivor clients which offers them the freedom to purchase what they need.

5. All of their services are carried out through the lens of dignity ensuring they can live their final days with the greatest amount of comfort and dignity.

Please consider donated to them and/or volunteering for them. 


Another long time, favourite charities of mine is One Family Fund.

A dear friend of mine, Toby Rosner,  is the Canadian director so I know quite a lot about it. One Family specializes in helping Israeli victims of terror. After Oct 7, 2023, their  services are in great demand. The help they offer comes in various ways. I urge you to check out their website in the link above and consider a tax deductible donation. 


My daughter, Melanie Kushner works for another fabulous charity called Save A Child's Heart. 

They have a team of doctors and other medical professionals (mostly Israelis) who operate mostly on third world children who are in dire need of cardiac surgery. Nothing will make you feel better than knowing that you helped to save a child. Please consider donating to this wonderful, life giving, charity.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Farewell to the Most Pathetic US President

I was struggling to find the best adjective to describe former president Biden. After all, there were so many to choose from. Corrupt, antisemitic, compromised, dumb, foolish, two faced, dishonest, dangerous, slimy, demented and arrogant all come to mind.  Many of these same words also describe previous presidents. For example Clinton, Obama and Carter were all corrupt, compromised and dangerous. Obama and Carter were antisemitic but Clinton was not. Carter was an arrogant prick who thought he was smart but in fact was dumb. Albeit, Biden was dumber. All presidents are arrogant to a fault. They must be. After all, to be a leader you must think that you are the best person to lead the country. If you didn't think that way, you'd never win. 

So many (perhaps too many) were dishonest. I blogged about that here. But Biden should win the medal for the most outright lies told. Obama was by far the most two faced. I blogged about two facism (my own word) here.

I'm no expert in US history so I can't say this with 100% certainty but I'll bet that he was the most demented president they ever had. His own party would probably agree with that sentiment. It's too bad they they covered it up for so very long. 

Many were compromised, from both parties. The Bush's who were heavily invested in oil and therefore had skin in the game with the Arab oil producers along with our idol JFK who helped rig his election against the antisemite Nixon. 

Speaking of antisemitism, Biden should be remembered as one of the worst antisemitic presidents of all time. Not so much because he had a deep hatred of Jews. But absolutely due to his actions both abroad (Israel) and within the US where he permitted antisemitism to run wild and rule the day (especially on college campuses). A finger must be pointed, in part, directly to him for the devastating terror attack on Oct 7, 2023. He and his handlers continued to put pressure on Israel to sit down and accept defeat from her enemies. Worse still were his responses to Israel's actions and pleas for military aid in response to that terror attack from Hamas, Hezbolla, Iran, the PA and the Houthis as well as others who helped to direct and finance them (Qatar, Russia, China, Turkey). Instead of helping tiny Israel rid the world of the most evil people on the planet, he charged Israel with committing a genocide!

So you can see my point. So many negative character traits apply to Biden. In the end I chose pathetic. It not only implies them all but I think it really encapsulates Biden's personality. Watching the hundreds of video clips of him mumbling nonsense to the world on camera or stumbling up the stairs to Airforce One or outright lying about his money making scams with his son and brother all project that word. 

Check out this montage of just a few of his many gaffes: here.

In particular, it was the way he left office where that word 'pathetic' is most appropriate. Most of us knew he was not calling the shots from day one. He was simply a place holder until the Democrats could find someone who could do the job. The fact that he was loosing his mind made him a better choice for those who were pulling the strings as they figured he'd follow their lead even easier. Once they decided that it was time to put him out to pasture he more or less, obediently left. But not before he pre-emptively pardoned his family and hundreds of other nasty, guilty people. 

His own colleagues who had nothing but high praise for him for years like Nancy Peloci (here) or Chuck Schumer (here), happily threw him under the bus when they decided it was time for him to go. Here Peloci is saying that Biden needs to go. In the end, it was Chuck who read Biden the riot act. In fact they were so eager to kick him out to the curb, that they brought in the first loser they could find to replace him, Harris. A woman who also could challenge him brain wise for being the dumbest president of all time. So at the end we find that both Republicans and Democrats couldn't stand the man. Even his boss Obama said that 'Biden could F things up' and that was 5 years ago!

As dumb as he was, he did manage to amass a fortune (it's still a mystery how a person on a mere president's salary made so much money in just a short 4 years). So his retirement is well looked after. He will no doubt disappear into the sunset with his handler and wife making sure that he's taking his meds and wearing his diapers. His name will be forgotten in a very short time and he will have no legacy whatsoever. 

This is how I will remember him. He found one thing that he was good at. 

Farewell to the most pathetic president of all time. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

My Tribute to PM Justine Trudeau

It finally happened! Our esteemed Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau resigned! After a very long 9 years he finally announced his resignation on TV to the public. There was a loud sigh of relief. Not just from people like me who would have loved to see him put in chains for all the terrible, treasonous things he's done, but even from people from his own party (Liberal) who had enough of him.  

Now that he finally announced it, the niceties abound from the very people who wanted him out. Not because they didn't like his destructive policies but because he was failing dismally at the polls. Very much like what happened with Biden in the US. For years and until the very end, he was lauded by the Dems as a saviour. As their main defence against the new hitler, Trump. But when it was clear that he would absolutely lose the next election, they dumped him faster that a nest of wasps. And just like here in Canada, as soon as Biden announced that he would not run again, the niceties resumed and were echoed by the MSM. 

Biden and Trudeau are two peas in a pod. They are both dangerous fools who are clearly not in charge. They take their orders from other nefarious people and organizations, like George Soros, the WEF, the UN  and others. They are both dummer than a pile of rocks and I'm sorry to say that people like that should have never come to power. I wouldn't hire either of them to manage a garage sale, let alone a country.

We have some terrible laws in Canada like no term limits for our PM.  So in theory, Trudeau could have remained our leader for the rest of my life time, G-d forbid! But thankfully most Canadians finally came to their senses and let him know what they think. I do recall his first term when despite committing all sorts of evil deeds, he got clean away. If you criticized him in any way, you were ostracized. 

Every term he felt more empowered and who can blame him. It didn't matter what he did. It could be small things like wear black face on multiple occasions (prior to taking office) or much larger things like giving an Islamic, convicted terrorist 10 million dollars! He was slick. Nothing stuck to him. He could do nothing wrong. 

Recall the hijab hoax, when a Muslim girl made up a story about a man cutting off her hijab? His cries of Islamophobia were heard around the world within hours of when the story broke. It was he who led the charge. Yet after the story was confirmed as fiction, he never apologized. In fact he dug a deeper hole. 

There are far too many atrocities that he's committed to mention here but as a proud Canadian Jew I must mention the following:

1. His disastrous immigration policy will leave us troubled for decades. Pretty much daily, some where in Canada is a pro-Palestinian demonstration. And peaceful they are not. I can tell you that it is very disturbing for me to witness their intimidating and often violent demonstrations that continue unabated for years. I blogged about what happened in May 2021 in downtown Toronto here. Why are these destructive people living in my country?

2. His economic policies stink! They are all run by experts in DEI and wokeism. His main foe as far as he and his party are concerned is 'Global warming'.  His focus is all about green energy. Despite its obvious limitations today, if it was up to him, we'd all be taking the subways or buying expensive electric cars. 

3. His fawning over the Gazans (Hamas) is brutally obvious. Calling out Israel for committing a genocide in Gaza puts him clearly on the side of Hamas. They made up that lie and he repeats it. Then to put a cherry on top, he declared that he would arrest Israel's democratically elected PM, Bibi Netanyahu if he stepped foot in Canada! No such decree to arrest any of the thousands of very real Islamic, terrorist leaders was made by him. 

To summarize, he was and still is, on a sure path to destroy our beautiful country. By taxing us to death and spending like crazy, he's helped to make it into a welfare state that any third world country would be proud of. He's proved to be corrupt, compromised, a liar, a racist, dumb and arrogantly in love with himself. He thinks he's the best PM ever despite him being the worst, in my life time at least. 

I hope that some authors will write the truth about him and what he's done. From the SNC Lavalin affair to firing Jody Wilson-Raybould (while claiming to be a feminist).  From his priority given to idiotic costumes when visiting foreign countries to his Harris like made up words like 'peoplekind', there is much to write about. 

Here he is visiting the PM of India:

I have blogged about my PM a few times already, here, here, here, & here

We are not eulogizing a family member or friend where we intentionally omit any wrong doings that they might have done. So I for one feel obligated to tell the truth about Trudeau. He's done absolutely nothing good for this country other than finally resigning.

His last day in office can't come soon enough. I'm afraid of what he'll do why he's still our PM. That's why despite him announcing that he won't seek re-election, he needs to be kicked out of office sooner rather than later. Yesterday would be perfect!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

I'm Ashamed to be Canadian

Because my Prime Minister is a corrupt, compromised, arrogant, dumb ass and a  vile, antisemite! Oh yea I almost forgot: He's got nice hair and he's blessed with the surname Trudeau (often spelled Turdeau). 

To be fair, he had a terrible up-bringing. His father was one of the most arrogant PM's in Canada's short history. Despite what you might read elsewhere, he was a terrible PM. His tight money policy bankrupted many who relied on loans to run their businesses. My father was a small time builder who needed to borrow money from his bank in order to purchase land to build homes. But thanks to Pierre Trudeau, banks were ordered to stop lending, let alone paying high interest. As a result, thousands of businesses were shut down over night. 

No less infuriating were his pro-French, bigoted policies which remain on our books today. Quebec was given special status under his leadership. They also receive more than their fair share of taxes collected by our federal government and they have more than their fair share of votes! Both he and Justin declared publicly that French people make the best PM's. 

During WWII while brave young Canadians gave their lives and limbs to fight a war over seas, Pierre was riding around Quebec on his motorcycle wearing a nazi helmet and partying it up. Definitely not a good example for a father.

Margaret, Justin's mother, was a drugged up woman who had sex with all the big names. From rock stars to state leaders. Again, despite what you might have read, Justin is in my opinion (and others), definitely the son of Cuba's communist leader Fidel Castro. Just look at their photos:

Both of Justin's parents adored Castro and had a weird appreciation of Communism. 
In short, he had terrible parents. 

But he didn't disappoint. He used his father's name to become our multiple term prime minister despite having absolutely no credentials to run a country. He was a part time drama teacher. That's it folks. His puppet masters and our Left wing main stream media all protected him. He could do no wrong. Wearing blackface multiple times was apparently ok. 

I don't see too many other world leaders doing that and getting away with it. 

How about making a fool out of us when visiting foreign state leaders? Here he is in India:

No less important is his opinion that he's above the law. Recall the SNC Lavalin affair, the WE charity debacle or the Agha Khan paid family vacation? How about paying millions of dollars to a convicted Islamist terrorist? His love affair with President Xi of China? Open borders? The list goes on. His brother is no better. He works for the Iranian government. And his brother is one of his advisors. Yikes! Does anyone see a problem? His silence on the constant, Canada wide intifada movement on campuses, on our streets and businesses is beyond despicable. While Montreal is on fire from Islamo-fascists he is busy at a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto. What did he have to say about it? Crickets. I urge you to watch video in the link below.

His love affair with Islam is disturbing to say the least. At every opportunity he supports them while shutting the rest of Canadians down. Recall the infamous hijab hoax when a Muslim girl made up a story of a man cutting her hijab off? The police just began their investigation, but he was already all over the MSM declaring his affection for Muslims in Canada and how dare we commit such crimes! That the alleged man who did it must be punished and punished hard. 

About a month ago he accused Israel of creating a genocide in Gaza! This despite what the people of Gaza did to innocent Israelis on Oct 7, 2023. This despite Israel sending tons of food, water, medicine and electricity to the very people that the IDF is fighting. This despite Hamas using Gazans as human shields, stealing the food that Israel gives to them and of course killing their own people when they see fit. 

But now he's completely come out of the closet with his overt antisemitism. 

The ICC (International Criminal Court - 1 more vile organization out of hundreds of thousands that hate us Jews and of course want to destroy Israel) accused Bibi Netanyahu & his former minister of defence of war crimes. When asked if he would arrest Bibi if he stepped on Canadian soil his answer was 'Yes.' Listen to his response:

What a coward. He had an opportunity to dissuade the ICC from that insane action but instead appeared thrilled to jump at the opportunity to arrest the democratically elected PM of Israel, an ally of Canada no less. You can bet that his response will embolden the pro-Pali demonstrations here.  His response resembles the standard response given by nazis at trial in Nuremberg after the war which was: 'I was just following orders!'

Likewise he is just following orders from the ICC. Worse still he pretends to talk for all Canadians in his reply. 'This is just who we are as Canadians'.

Well this Canadian doesn't think so. He doesn't speak for me or represent me in any way. I think that finally most Canadians see him for what he is. A dangerous fool who is ruining our once fine country. 

If the ICC decrees that all state members (like Canada) must arrest any citizen who supports Bibi Netanyahu, I guess he will try his best to follow their ruling and have people like me arrested. 

Well Mr. Trudeau, you know where I live...


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

They've Hit a New Low

I'm talking about the Democratic party in the US. One by one, the leaders of the Democratic party along with their shills in the MSM like CNN, MSNBC, etc. have accused former president Trump of being Hitler and that his latest sold out rally at Madison Square Garden in New York was a Nazi rally like the one that took place there in 1939.

Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in New York in 1939

So Trump is Hitler and I'm a nazi because I like him. This meme continues to gain momentum. It wasn't just one political leader who mistakenly went too far. For any person to call Trump Hitler and his supporters, nazis, is absolutely despicable. But for political leaders and the main stream media to do so is beyond despicable. They have hit a new low. I don't recall any political leaders in the West ever behaving that way. I'm no fan of Obama, Clintons, Bidens, Harris, Blinken or the rest of them. I feel that they are all guilty of supporting anti-Israel terrorists like Iran. Recall the billions of dollars both in cold hard cash and  sanctions relief that the US (under those leaders I just mentioned) gave to Iran? Yet I still won't call them Hitler or their supporters nazis. 

My parents were Jewish Holocaust survivors. They knew who Hitler was. They knew what a nazi was. They knew what antisemitism is. They were very careful who they called a nazi. I learned from them.

If Trump is a nazi, then we need many more 'nazis'. I won't even bother to attempt to defend this morbid accusation because I don't want to give one iota of legitimization to it. Maybe in their minds, Bibi Netanyahu, the defender of the Jewish nation is also a nazi?

Calling Trump Hitler or calling us nazis does 2 terrible things:

1. It dehumanizes us. That's always the first step in committing a genocide. The irony here is that's exactly what the real nazis did to us prior to murdering six million of us. They began with drawing nasty cartoons depicting Jews with big noses or looking like apes. It ended with Jews and others gassed to death writhing in pain in their last minutes alive. Today the Islamists do the same thing. By calling Trump Hitler, it sends a clear message to the extreme Left to murder Trump. G-d knows they've tried to kill him. He's already taken a bullet. Calling him Hitler or us nazis is bloody dangerous to our well being!

2. It removes any significance of the Holocaust. Calling anyone you happen not to like a nazi or Hitler lowers the severity of who Hitler and the nazis were. It is a slap in the face to every person who died at the hands of the nazis or suffered as a result of their extremely vile behaviour. 

This vile behaviour must stop now and they must reverse course and publicly apologize. I for one am not holding my breath. 

Just because you don't like someone does not give you the right to call them Hitler or a nazi. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

TDSB: Canada's Worst Antisemitic Organization

What will it take for Canadians, especially those who live in Toronto, to recognize that the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is Canada's worst, antisemitic organization? 

Do we G-d forbid need another Oct 7th style pogrom to wake us out of our stupor? I'll bet you that right now I'm one of the very few Canadians who thinks this. Let me justify my thoughts...

The TDSB is in charge of schooling a quarter of a million students in the greater Toronto area every year. And thanks to an endless stream of unvetted immigrants, this number increases every year. If you weren't aware, Toronto is Canada's largest city with a population of almost 3 million people and the 4th largest city (population wise) in North America. 

The TDSB is the largest school board in Canada and it employs about 40,000 people. It has an operating budget of 3.4 billion dollars (and still somehow manages to operate at a deficit). As such it has a huge influence on our children and its staff. Like in any organization,  the leaders set the direction of the company. If the CEO of a corporation is nefarious, that corp will most likely attract bad people to work there. The converse is also true. If the leader is good, then the organization will attract good employees. The TDSB was led for decades by Colleen Rawlins. She had a history of antisemitic behaviour. When one of the high schools in Toronto allowed anti-Israel / pro-Palestinian demonstrations to take place at lunch on school property and some students and teachers chanted their popular mantra 'From the river to the sea Palestine will be free',  she saw nothing at all wrong with that. I tried to point out that that mantra means 'free of Jews' and that's according to Mahmoud Abbas the Palestinian leader. What happened to keeping all students and staff safe? What happened to teaching our students the basics: reading, writing, arithmetic, etc. I tried to alert our community about this dangerous school board in 2021 in a blog post called In My Own Backyard.

There has been a vile history of antisemitism at the TDSB. Back then  a Jewish school board trustee (Ms Lulka) was censured for calling out an employee for distributing antisemitic flyers to students, parents and staff. You can't make this up.

Back in June, I attended a rally at the board's head office to protest their motion to promote an anti-Palestinian policy whereby anyone opposing pro-Palestinian demonstrations or ideology would be committing a hate crime. Another attempt to provoke us and silence us at the same time. I wrote about it here: Antisemitism Gone Wild.  

More recently a teacher made her Jewish student wear a blue uniform to identify  her as a Jewish oppressor and then organized a trip to a rally for Natives in Canada which of course was hijacked by pro-Pali demonstrators. Instead of leaving the demonstration, students were encouraged to take part in it. I took part in a rally at the TDSB soon afterwards and was warmed to see many people from diverse backgrounds supporting our cause. Of course we were not permitted to speak to the board at their private meeting. When this hit the news, our Premier of Ontario and minister of education admonished the school board to keep politics out of schools and were also ordered to notify all parents prior to any school trips. A prime directive of any school board is the safety of the students. Sending them to any political demonstration certainly defies that. 

Today the school board ignored the order again and is offering an art course on Palestinian Resistance. According to their Palestinian website: 

Palestinian women have played an integral role in resisting the Israeli occupation. Tatreez—an artful embroidery technique with radical roots—is just one of the many tools they have utilized.


Ayah’s mother is one of eight daughters. They lived in Dheisha, a refugee camp located near Bethlehem, where they were displaced from Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation in 1948. There, her grandmother taught each one of her daughters, one needle and thread at a time, how to cross-stitch a mosaic of colors and shapes into various garments. Every combination told a different story about belonging and resistance.

Notice that they themselves call it 'radical'. The TDSB is a hotbed of anti-Israel / antisemitic ideology. It has been so for decades and has been permitted to grow, unchallenged for the most part by all of us.  The TDSB is so rotten that it's beyond fixing. Our politicians clearly fear this gigantic, powerful organization and are loath to punish its directors or in any way interfere with the TDSB's agenda. The TDSB has gotten the message. There are no consequences for their racist behaviour. It needs to be dismantled and replaced from the top down. ASAP! What really hurts is that I know of so many of my fellow Jews who have been or still remain devoted teachers who are forced to put up with this hatred every day. The worst part of course is that entire cohorts of young minds are turned into Jew hating kids right under our noses. Even some Jewish students are buying the lie that Israel is an apartheid state or that the IDF harvests organs from Palestinians. This is the kind of dangerous brainwashing that goes on daily at our schools. Some are worse, some are better. But they are all infected with Jew hate because it comes from the board.

I haven't begun to talk about our other school board, misnomered as the 'Separate School Board'. In Ontario it is the Catholic School Board which sadly has its own history of Jew hatred but perhaps less so than our public school board, TDSB. Why Catholics are awarded their own school board that is funded by the province is beyond me but that is another discussion entirely. 

Rawlins is gone but clearly the board's antisemitic agenda is alive and well.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Kamala, How Dare You!

After the Israelis got the leader of Hamas, Sinwar (let his name be forgotten), VP and president wanna be, Kamala Harris, tried to take credit for his death. How dare she? 

Not only did she have nothing to do with it, she and president Biden were dead against it. They tried their best to prevent Israel from going after Sinwar. Do you recall the recent fight between the Bibi administration in Israel and the Biden administration in the US? Bibi knew that the town of Rafah in Gaza which lies on the Egyptian border, was home to the top commanders of Hamas, a likely place to hide the hostages and was the main route for supplies and terrorists to enter and leave Gaza. The Egyptians were happily paid off to look the other way when military supplies, tunnel building equipment and all sorts of Hamas and supporting personnel were passing freely through their town. Huge tunnels spanning from the Sinai Peninsula underground into Gaza passed thru Rafah. Essentially without cleaning out Rafah, the entire war effort by Israel would have been for nothing. So the minute Bibi announced Israel intentions to clean it out and take it over, Biden, Harris, Blinken and the rest of the current US Democratic administration loudly said: NO, don't you dare enter Rafah!  Their stated reason? Who cares. I know the real reason. They don't want Israel to win the war. Like the war in Ukraine, the huge military complex and other nefarious groups like the WEF are thrilled to see wars, ongoing as long as possible. They want to see people suffer, as many as possible. They gain financially and they gain control of the people of the world.

The Biden and Harris families are as corrupt and compromised as any other major mafia family. Along with the Pelosi's, Clinton's, Obama's and a list too long to mention here. 

                                            Kamala Harris

It was the rank and file Israeli soldiers who finally located and eliminated the coward we know as Sinwar. Not the US and certainly not the Biden/Harris administration. If it was up to them (they certainly tried- they held back arms), they wouldn't let Israel into Rafah so Sinwar and the rest of his cabal would still be running the show out of Rafah! But now that Israel found and killed him, they are trying to take credit for it. What chutzpah!

Just like they warned Bibi not to attack Hezbolla or G-d forbid Iran. Luckily for us and the world, Bibi politely ignored them and successfully attacked both! I say better late than never but of course I can imagine the pressure he faces not only from the Biden administration but from his own people. 

A dear friend sent me the following link from a brilliant journalist from Australia's Sky News, Ms Erin Molan: It's a must watch if you haven't yet seen it!

After watching that clip we talked about how people like us latch on to incredible people like Erin Molan who say it like it is - straight!

The sad reason for us freaking out (in a good way) when we hear people like her speak courageously and with such moral clarity about our (the Jews) terrible predicament is because there are so few like her who dare to speak that way. As I just said, it takes both moral clarity and courage to speak like that publicly and on TV no less. She and others like her, who aren't Jewish nor are they Israeli, have nothing to gain from doing that. In fact they have plenty to lose. Like their jobs for one. Or worse, they could be removed from social media by their peers, friends or relatives! (can u tell I'm being facetious?)

Believe me it's a lot easier to jump on the anti-Israel train (it's the exact same as the antisemitic train). After all, there are about 2 billion Muslims in the world and only about 16 million Jews. And out of those 2 billion, quite a few (millions) hate non-Muslims and Jews in particular, to the point that they are actively trying to kill us. While out of the 16 million Jews, very few (if any) feel that way about non-Jews. So one really is looking for trouble if they in any way support Israel or Jews. 

I really do hope that decent Americans, both Jews and Gentiles wake up to the very important choice they face right now in their federal election. One is a man so devoted to saving his country from so many insane, anti-American, doomed policies including their anti-Israel policy, that he's taken a bullet. The other is a corrupt, compromised, Marxist, know nothing fool who is happy to throw America under the bus at any opportunity. If you care about America and want her to succeed you shouldn't vote for her. And if you do, you will not only be complicit it turning America into a banana republic, you will also be responsible in helping Israel's enemies to succeed.