Thursday, November 17, 2022

Ukraine: Do You Get It Now?

Back in March I had written 3 posts about Zelensky and Ukraine in close succession because I saw the danger of the world approaching a world war (possibly nuclear) with Russia over Ukraine.

Then the world was 100% in favour of helping Ukraine at all and any cost. Both the Right and Left were in lock step on this. Even most of my Zionist friends were on board with it. Of course Jewish liberals were on board due to Tikun Olam thinking. (Whenever I hear that from the Left I want to vomit)

Many people both Gentile and Jew considered Zelensky to be a hero. A Jewish hero no less. By now his 'Jewishness' has been debunked. He was born a Jew but that's as far as he took it. Leon Trotsky the founder of deadly communism was also born Jewish. That factoid taken on its own means nothing. 

Now, thank G-d, 'only' 80% are in favour of helping Ukraine at all costs. 

Some of my Israeli blogger colleagues were in awe of Zelensky and his heroic heroes who stood up to big bad Russia. Even people who I respected like Dennis Prager explained it simply: Russia invaded Ukraine so Putin and Russia are the bad guys. He left out all context! No wonder so many consider Israel occupiers of Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank). They also leave out all context. To them the context began at the end of the 6 Day War. Likewise in the Ukraine/Russia war, the context we are fed, began just 9 months ago.

I will not repeat the details I wrote in my previous blogs but feel free to check them out if you haven't done so. In addition there have been many treaties that have been broken both by Ukraine and NATO that I didn't mention.   In one of my posts, titled: Can the War in Ukraine Spark a World War? I was warning of exactly what almost happened recently and what may yet still occur, G-d forbid!

The other day it was reported by EVERYONE (except for Russia) that Russia fired 2 missiles into Poland! Zelensky went to the air waves immediately and tried to call for WWIII with Russia. After all, Poland is a member of NATO unlike Ukraine. When one NATO member is attacked then all the remaining NATO members are obligated to defend their fellow NATO partner. Zelensky knew from where the missiles came from but lied to the world. He and his puppet masters were hoping to draw the world into a war with Russia and/or at the very least continue to put pressure on us to continue to send billions of dollars in aid and weapons to Ukraine. Russia was able to disprove this hoax in 10 seconds by both examining the missile fragments in Poland and offering their own missile tracking data. 

Also please don't forget about Russia's underwater natural gas pipeline that was blown up not so long ago. Biden would have us believe that Russia blew its own pipeline up. Of course anyone with a brain knows better. This supply of gas could have helped Europe endure the cold winter that is already upon us. Now countries like Germany & Poland and others will suffer. I myself am not losing sleep over them but I am losing sleep over a possible world war over Ukraine that has been fanned by the US and it's western allies. I am also losing sleep of the millions of dollars that my own, in debt country, Canada, continues to send to Ukraine when it cannot even supply cold medicine for infants here!

The good news is the truth came out just in the nick of time and saved us from WW3. The bad news is that no matter what, Zelensky, his puppet masters and his nazi factions in Ukraine are still viewed as the good guys. I want to impress upon you exactly how close we came to WW3 just now. But every day that we continue to pump billions of dollars into one of the most corrupt regimes on earth and continue with our mantra Ukraine-Good, Russia-Bad, we are inching towards a catastrophe. As it is, the world is suffering. Hyper inflation, food shortages, energy shortages, crime waves and wars erupting everywhere are evidence of this. We need to de-escalate this war ASAP! 

We've seen this before. For decades, modern Israel has been under constant, daily attack from her Muslim neighbours and the world at large. What so many Jews and Israelis in particular couldn't understand is why so many in the West and in particular their ally in the US didn't get it. They kept restraining the Israelis. Forcing them to give up precious land and most precious of all, lives. Then 9/11 happened. Finally the Israelis thought, their American friends will understand exactly what the Israelis have had to deal with all those years. But to their chagrin, it didn't help one iota. Nothing changed. The immediate conversation by so many, including American leaders, was to appease their radical Islamic enemies. They blamed themselves for the carnage of 9/11 and of course Israel too. Islamophobia became and remains the word of the day. American political leaders like Ilan Omar got away with describing 9/11 as: 'some people did something'. 

One last point. Throughout the MSM (mainstream media) and every single government in the world (including most Israeli politicians), none have mentioned the nazi elements within the current Ukrainian government, never mind their vile antisemitic past history. I find it ironic that so many on the Left accuse us right wing conservatives of being nazis but when real live nazis are running Ukraine, they are overlooked and even hailed as heroes and sent tons of money.

Recently CNN (not my favourite media outlet) filmed Ukrainians celebrating their 'winning ways' in the war with Russia. In the clip they focus on a Ukrainian waving their national flag while standing on a moving vehicle. Eventually he added the nazi salute. For that CNN, who has been championing Zelensky and Ukraine, has been banned from Ukraine. 

Here is the video clip:

In short, Zelensky and his nazi colleagues have taken a page directly out of the Palestinian playbook. They beg the world for money, lie, perpetrate hoaxes continually, use their citizens as pawns, could care less what damage they may cause us and become billionaires in the process. I don't blame them. They see that it worked for Arafat and Abbas. I blame us!


Earl Mann said...


Anonymous said...

You continueto disappoint me with every post you make. Not long ago i thought we were on the

Leon Kushner said...

Thanks so much Earl!
Anonymous, I'm not here to make friends. I post this because I'm trying to balance the fake news about Ukraine with the truth. Sometimes the truth is disappointing and hard to swallow. Perhaps you are mistaking being disappointed with me instead of with the truth?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Do You Get It Now?

Insightful and balanced given the propaganda war's assault on Western sensitivities its all the more urgent such opinion pieces see the light of day.
I look forward to reading more open minded articles in the future.

Anonymous said...

FEBRUARY 7, COMMENT should have listed Yosef Yigal Drever of Achdut HaLev & Hadar Yehudit.