Monday, July 15, 2024

So Trump Got Shot

Are you surprised, shocked?

I'm not. In fact I am surprised that it didn't happen sooner.

There are so many people suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) who want him dead. They are upset that the shooter didn't kill him. Every bloody Democratic leader from President Biden on down has threatened Trump with violence and in so doing, painted a target on his back so that someone finally picked up a rifle and tried to finish him. They all have blood on their hands.

Tell me this: How did a 20 year old loser manage to get on to a white roof and set up a tripod with a sniper rifle within 200 yards of Trump's podium in a well prepared rally where numerous secret service agents and police where on guard? Apparently the security team saw him there and could have easily taken him out prior to him firing a single shot. He managed to fire off 8 shots, killed an attendee and seriously injured 2 others and shot Trump in the ear before the secret service finally put him down. The protocol is to shoot a sniper first and ask questions later. 

And what about the secret service agents who surrounded Trump? One was a woman who was no more than 5 foot 5 inches tall. Trump is about 6 foot 2 and a big man. He needs large people to protect him. Well trained large people that is. The boss of the secret service who was hired by Biden is a Miss Kimberly Cheatle who follows DEI doctrine instead of merit based hiring practises. At the very least, she must lose her job ASAP! After this terrible incident one would expect at least a statement from her apologizing for what happened, promising a full investigation and improvements to their protocols so this doesn't happen again in the future. The agency declined to put out any statement.

Was this an inside job? I doubt we'll ever know for sure. Any investigation done by the current administration will be absolutely useless. They'll probably blame it on Russia (that's their 'go to' story). But what we do know is that this could have and should have been prevented. The Trump administration has always insisted that its secret service team was short people. They needed more and were always fighting with the Biden administration for more security. After all, Trump a former president, is on everyone's radar. He's also the most likely person to become America's next president, like it or not. So by all standards he needs protection. I don't think that too many people are trying to kill Jill Biden who is surrounded by an abundance of secret service agents. I'm sure that Trump has threats on his life almost daily but we are not in the loop so we don't even know about them.

The Biden administration, Democratic party, MSM and the social media giants will do their best to sweep this under the table. They already have. I used Microsoft Bing to search for a photograph of Trump getting shot. It should have come up on the very first page of the search results. But instead there wasn't even a single photo of the assassination attempt. Here's what I got:

I am deeply disappointed by society. Let's not forget Oct 7! I haven't and don't plan to. No less sickening is the overt antisemitism that has exploded around the globe after Oct 7.

Need I state the obvious? If you don't like him, don't vote for him. But please don't kill him!

To me this was simply a miracle that he survived. Any other person who just got shot would be cowering in fear. Not him. He's got courage in spades. And he is one of America's biggest patriots.

Dear President Trump, I wish you a full, quick and painless recovery so you can resume your post as the next US president and make America great again!


1 comment:

Leon Kushner said...

More proof that the big tech giants want us to forget about this assassination attempt: I tried to post my blog on Facebook but they took it down. I guess pleading not to kill Trump violates their rules.