Friday, August 9, 2024

Long Live Oct 7!

That's what's being shouted out loud in my country's capital in Ottawa by pro-Hamas demonstrators! Hundreds of demonstrators promoting murder and hate against Jews right in front of Justin Trudeau's office in parliament hill. That's illegal, or so I thought!

Check out the embedded video here:

When we had the peaceful trucker protest in Ottawa during covid, our PM was quick to denounce them at terrorists because someone saw or claimed they saw a swastika in the crowd. He went as far as arresting the leaders and freezing the bank accounts of anyone who donated to their cause. What does he have to say or do about these Nazi like pro-terrorists (many are not even citizens here)? Silence.

The same response is true for our province's leader (a Conservative no less) Doug Ford and the mayor of Ottawa. They and almost every politician around here are conspicuously silent. 

The police will not act on their own. They are told what to do and what not to do by our politicians. 

Notice how insidious these protesters are. At first they were yelling for a freeze in fighting (the IDF that is) to stop the 'genocide'. Then they shouted to stop Israel from purposely starving millions of innocent Gazans despite Israel often supplying tons of aid in to Gazans but stolen by Hamas. After seeing that they suffered no consequences at all for their insane and illegal behaviour (they attacked Jews, shut down traffic, bridges, universities, businesses, shot at Jewish schools, burned synagogues, terrorized innocent civilians right here in Toronto including tearing open a Jewish MP's office and much more) they are now emboldened to shout via megaphone to our PM and MP's in Ottawa that they absolutely support the murder and torture of 1200 innocent civilians and the taking of 250 hostages into their dark tunnels in Gaza. 

If you are not with us, you are against us. I've said this before: Silence is not an option. Our PM and his supporters are against us!

He also said that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza. 

I've scolded my own Jewish community many times for being silent or not being active enough. But the truth is that we Jews are such a small minority not just here in Canada but in the world. We comprise only .2 %  of the world's population and about 1.4% of Canadians. Despite our small numbers we are vociferous and actively combat antisemitism wherever we see it. There are hundreds if not thousands of Jewish organizations here in Canada that support Israel and fight antisemitism. Thankfully there are a few non-Jewish organizations that also do the same. But given the demographics, we need them to do more. Gentiles of all religions including non believers and Muslims must speak out loudly and hold our leaders to account. 

We must all demand that our political leaders do their jobs and stop illegal protests in their tracks. Ignoring them sends them a clear message. That they can do what they want and get away with murder.  But I can assure you that it won't be just us who get hurt. It never worked out that way in the past (recall WWII).


Anonymous said...

Our civic officials here in Ontario have fully demonstrated their depravity by making pandering for votes count more than just morality. Olivia Chow and Justin Trudeau are benighted fools, outright liars and antisemites. In their silence they have emboldened the savage mobs and have created the potential for violence.
The only way to get rid of them is to vote them out. However, there remains a sizeable number of liberal leftist Jews who still insist on supporting them and that’s self defeating and dangerous.

Leon Kushner said...

I couldn't agree more with you on all of your points!