Sunday, October 15, 2023

This is not the time to disparage Bibi

Everyone in the world has an opinion on the PM of Israel. Some hate him to death. Some love him to death. Some hate him because they view him as a right wing fanatic. Some hate him  because they don't feel he is right wing enough. Of course Israel's enemies hate him. Most US Democrats are not his fans. Many Liberals in my country (Canada) are not in love with him either. A good chunk of Israelis are not his fans. Most are, as they voted for him in a fair, democratic election. 

I believe that some on the Left (aka Labour party) in Israel led by real fanatics like Ehud Barak and others suffer from BDS (not the antisemitic BDS movement). More like TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome but for Bibi. They will do anything to topple him. Barak pushed for a 'bloody' coup numerous times. He got his wish. I do believe that some in the IDF, Mossad and other intelligence agencies and even within Bibi's administration were involved in not passing on the intelligence (on Hamas' plans to attack) up to the chain of Israeli command. I can't think of any possible reason to explain why Israel was not prepared for this.

The entire cabal of Israeli leaders on the Left who threatened Bibi and Israelis who voted for him, have blood on their hands. Barak, Lapid, Gantz, the Israeli Supreme Court, their Attorney General and too many others to mention, warned that that the IDF (both active and reserves) including pilots and others would not serve under the current Likud government. Bibi and most Israelis and even some in the diaspora (like me) didn't believe them. But the world heard their threats.  Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas also heard them and got the message loud and clear.  We all saw widely publicized lists of former IDF generals who signed on to that idea to formally denounce their government and for the first time in Israel's modern history, abandon the defence of their country, despite the oaths they swore to when they enlisted. I do believe that seeing that was the prime motivation by Hamas et al to attack Israel as they did. 

Many folks right now are upset at Bibi for inviting these very same people to join his government and make it a 'unity government'. They  call it his biggest policy mistake so far. Maybe it is. 

So let me explain. Now is not the time to disparage Bibi. It's pretty simple. Israel is at war. Israelis lives were lost in the most horrific way. If you want Israel to lose, you need not read further and you probably arrived at my website by accident.

So for the rest of you, Bibi (love him or hate him) needs our support. All of it from all of us right now. There is no tomorrow. We can't afford to vacillate, waver, obfuscate or any other -ate. If you you are on the Left but want Israel to survive more than you want Bibi to leave, then listen on. If you are on the Right but you feel that Bibi is partially to blame for this nightmare because he didn't do enough over his tenure to rid Israel and the world of their mortal enemies, read on. Obviously if you adore Bibi, you will read on.

So many headlines begin with disparaging Bibi. In the details, they go on to explain why. By now you should know that sadly most people just stop at the headline. So most folks who are apolitical (that is the majority of the world we live in) and/or who are admittedly ignorant of geopolitics or even history but can't help but know about this war because it's on the MSM 24/7, will make up their minds based on headlines alone. They won't read any of the reasons that you might not like him. Whether he's too far Right or not Right enough. They will stop at the headline. 'Bibi is Losing His Support', 'Is this the end of Bibi?'. 'Bibi Written Off', etc.

We can't afford to alienate anyone right now. We need all the support we can get. We must be united. Blaming Bibi or disparaging him in any way does not help Israel right now. Please save your criticism of him for later. Much later. 


Anonymous said...

Bibi , like any other homo sapien who has been alive for 70 + years , has had his share of short comings & failed initiatives . However , as flawed a mortal man as he is , divine Providence has chosen him to lead the Jewish Nation at this incredible time in History . I strongly believe we , the Torah Nation , must support Bibi as he attempts to redeem not just himself , but also Israel itself . Godspeed !

Zulubaby said...

I want to commend & thank U for all the Israeli/Jewish activism that U have undertaken.
Be aware that your efforts are based in the Love for Zion that we all share . Am Yisrael Chai !

Leon Kushner said...

I thank both of you for your kind words above. I also agree that G-d has placed Bibi, as flawed as he is (as flawed as we all are) in charge of defending Israel right now. Can you imagine if Lapid was in charge or any of the other buffoons? G-d Forbid.
Am Yisrael Chai!

Anonymous said...

The keeper of Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121)