Monday, November 26, 2018

What Happened in Germany Could Happen in England

There are a handful of political parties in England. The Conservative and Labour parties dominate. Jeremy Corbyn, head of England's Labour party is a blatant antisemite. If you don't agree, then you are a combination of blind, deaf, dumb and you live alone. If there are any antisemites reading my article, I'm sure they'll agree. Current polls have the Conservative party slightly ahead. You can read the details here:  but here are some latest poll results by party: (blue is the Conservative party led by PM Theresa May, peach is Labour).

You can see that it's pretty darn close between Jeremy Corbyn the antisemite and Theresa May the appeaser. While May is still slowly trying to negotiate Brexit (England's attempt to leave the European Union -EU) Corbyn is busy trying to sway more votes his way. Many of the people are tired of the status quo. The official unemployment rate in England has dropped a bit from last year to about 4.1%.  But that does not include those who gave up looking for work (never does in official government stats). It also does not differentiate between well paid jobs be they professional or good trade jobs in construction or manufacturing vs cheap service jobs that pay minimum wage. For many years now England's middle income jobs have been disappearing quickly. That's why that segment of England's population has been leaving. Who's left? The super wealthy upper class which has a high component of wealthy immigrants like the wealthy oil sheiks from the Middle East. Who else can afford a condominium in London? The not so wealthy (aka the poor) form the majority of people there. Between 2010 and 2013 about 33% of England's population fell below the poverty line. Not sure what it is today, but suffice it to say that the majority of the UK are not happy for one reason or another (usually related to economics). I don't think that the trade unions are helping either.

That's why Jeremy Corbyn and his party have been gaining ground. When times get tough, people need to find a scapegoat to blame. How about them Jews? England has had their share of antisemites throughout history. Like most other countries in the world, especially those of Europe, Jew hatred is their specialty. Maybe they didn't have pogroms like in Russia or concentration camps like those established by Germany or maybe they didn't burn their 800 year old Jewish neighbours in barns like in Poland but England's brand of antisemitism was what one can say: is more subtle. The point is, antisemitism was always there and maybe took a short hiatus during and shortly after WWII. It was just waiting for the most opportune time to raise its ugly head. Corbyn is quick to make friends with all Muslims especially Islamic terrorist organizations like Hamas. He's not stupid. He sees (as can anyone living there) that the Muslim population is the fastest growing population in the UK. As of 2017 there were over 4 million Muslims living there but that is just an estimate. There are many no go zones in scary Muslim neighbourhoods where no pollster would dare venture. While the indigenous  English birth rate is shrinking ever so quickly, the Muslim birth rate is though the roof. Of course many of these Muslim immigrants are no friends of the Jews. More votes for Corbyn. And to May's detriment, she keeps letting them in. Note to PM May: They won't vote for you!

Does this picture remind you of something? How about Germany in the early 1930's? Hitler promised a better economy and blamed the troubles they had at the time, for the most part, on the Jews. Prior to WWII most people throughout the world including the Germans themselves and even the Jewish Germans didn't give too much thought to Hitler and the Nazi party. Most were too busy trying to live their lives to even pay attention. Others thought that he was a nutcase and there was no way he'd become their new leader. Many of the German Jews who were mostly assimilated thought it best to keep quiet. Don't rock the boat for fear that there would be repercussions. Meanwhile quite a few Germans and others outside of Germany, liked what they saw and indeed helped him succeed.
To the shock and horror of most Germans (including Germany's Jewish population) and others throughout the world, Hitler did rise to power and we ended up with the Holocaust.

                                          Jeremy Corbyn

Likewise today in England most good people who despise Corbyn for his blatant antisemitism and other displays of racism don't take him too seriously. They just assume that he's too overt about his Jew hatred to win. Many of the Jews in England remind me of the Jews in Germany. They have focused on assimilation instead of focusing on their Jewishness. They have adopted a similar appeasement strategy of not speaking out and not rocking the boat. They and other's have attacked President Trump more than they have attacked Corbyn! The Conservative party and almost all the rest refuse to give serious thought about the slow but sure rise of Corbyn's Labour party and the racist danger it brings with it. The only exception is the UKIP party and the EDL (English Defense League) which although is not an official party, it is one of the few organizations that stands up to Sharia in England. May is far too timid to go face to face with Corbyn and call him a racist pig to his face in public and get the people's attention about him. But trust me, Corbyn is not timid at all.

I can see numerous scenarios whereby outside forces can make Corbyn win. To name a few: George Soros decides to throw a few hundred million dollars his way during his campaign (if he hasn't already). How about some other nefarious government interference from countries like Russia, Iran or China to name a few. It's not like that hasn't happened before.

I urge good people everywhere and especially the good people of England to wake up. Have we not learned anything from history? G-d forbid, what happened in Germany could happen in England! If Corbyn gets elected, England will fall apart. Unlike in Germany, there will be no magic economic boom. Getting rid of UK's Jews will certainly not help their economy. In fact quite the reverse is true.  When the UK falls, it will bring down most of Europe with it. Why am I the only person seeing this?

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Why Does Antisemitism Exist and the Blame Game

The recent tragedy in Pittsburgh has sparked a discussion about antisemitism and what fuels it or more accurately who to blame.

Swastika painted on a synagogue in Indiana (there were so many I could have chosen from).

Haters are unhappy people. If you are unhappy with your life you typically find a way to blame others.  Most antisemites fall into that category of people. The murderer of 11 Jews who were minding their own business on Sabbath at synagogue certainly fits that bill. So why does antisemitism really exist? There are dozens of possible reasons for it. I’ve read dozens of books on the subject and the truth is that we’ll never really understand it. I had a long discussion about it recently with my brilliant nephew in Israel. It morphed into a discussion about the question ‘Why’.
I suggested that on esoteric issues like ‘Why does antisemitism exist’ and others, I would devote less time trying to figure out the why and more time dealing with the What to do about it and How to defend yourself from it. We are blessed to be here in the year 2018. We bask in an era of luxury and therefore have the opportunity to ask Why. In other times we didn’t have that luxury. We had to stick to more practical and pragmatic questions like What and How. 
I painted him a picture of back in the cavemen days when the father took his son hunting and had to teach him how to do it. The son looked up at the sky and asked him Why is the sky blue? The father slapped him in the head and said who cares. Do you want to starve to death? Learn how to hunt.
I'm in no way  saying that we shouldn’t ask why. As often answering that may lead to answer how and what. But I’ve observed especially lately that so much effort is spent on the why that we miss out on the how and what. It hit me in particular when Obama was president. A lot of pundits including myself were trying to figure out why he was doing his often insane policies especially as it related to Israel. US - Israel relations hit an all time low. 
Many theorized that he was actually a Muslim. There was the ongoing ‘fake birth certificate’ issue, etc. After a while I realized that we are wasting precious time. We must focus instead on what and how to deal with him and his anti-Israel and his anti-American policies before its too late.
One can switch the subject, ie. replace Obama with Trump. Why does he behave the way he does? Why does he often say insensitive things? Why does he often behave childishly. Why is he such a narcissist? (by the way all of these questions can be asked of Obama as well). But I don’t devote much time on these why type questions. Instead I focus on his policies and on his actions. Do they match my wishes? Are they important to me? I can tell you that they for the most part, unequivocally do!

As for blaming Trump for the event in Pittsburgh? I find it obscene to use this terrible tragedy in order to push any political agenda. For the sake of the dead- please stop this insanity. 

I can certainly understand why some of the affected families of this tragedy are blaming Trump. Only they have the right to do so. The rest of us do not. When someone is in that mindset they are freaking out and are not rational. How many times have you been at a funeral and the family blame G-d for taking their loved one? I think blaming G-d is way worse than blaming Trump. I will not judge the families nor do I have any right to do so. But as a Jewish activist I can see how blaming Trump for the worst antisemitic event in US history is itself antisemitic. The hysterical left have been so indoctrinated to hate Trump by the MSM that they will use any event to do so. Despite him being the most pro-Jewish president in US history they fail to see the insanity of their shouts.  They see him as  insensitive, boorish, lacking in compassion, childish and even racist. Some consider him a white supremacist. Some a Nazi. We've heard it all. And I agree that sometimes his approach fits some of those adjectives. Does his behaviour bring the antisemites (or other bigots) out or inhibit them? In this particular tragedy it did neither. The murderer was an antisemite long before Trump. (Antisemitism existed long before Trump too believe it or not). In fact he hated Trump because of Trump's Jewish connection! In their reasoning, maybe Trump should become a real antisemite and that might have prevented this tragedy.  But common sense and a sincere desire to get to the factual truth, should get such people to  look into what his policies are and how they've worked so far. It should lead us to the conclusion that his policies and actions far outweigh his negative personality traits or some of his bad choices. 

I have found that many on the Left who pretend to have discussions with people like me on the Right (I like the sound of that) who ask me why I support Trump and feign an interest into his policies that I adore are really looking to continue bashing him and having me defend him. I am a Jewish activist.  I'm not here to defend Trump. I'm tired of being hated for doing so. That said I'll continue to do so as long as he continues to do good. It's hard to call a philo-semite like him an antisemite. When he does bad I've called him out on it. I'm not married to him. He's not my favourite persona. I don't get paid enough to do so , lol!

I will end on this: The more people, especially American Jews and other Jews blame him for this terrible antisemitic event, the more divisiveness they cause amongst the Jewish community and the less likely he is to remain on our side.