Friday, September 13, 2019

9-11: Have we not learned anything?

Did the world change for you after 9-11? It absolutely changed for me. I was always a defender of Israel and of my people. I knew from a young age that the Jewish people were under attack, always were and probably always will be.

But after 9-11 I thought I finally had the scary proof that my fears were warranted and proceeded to delve further as a Jewish activist. Turns out that I was taken aback about how many fellow people including my own Jewish  family and cousins who didn’t have the faintest idea of what I was talking about and probably thought I was nuts (and some probably still do).

I had just finished working on a government contract (it was the first and only time that I worked for 2 months and got totally ripped off - never got paid) with a colleague who got me the ‘contract’ and worked for free as well. It was a sunny day here in Toronto as well as in New York city. He called me on the phone (maybe the only time he did so) to tell me to turn on the TV. When I did, I had no idea what I was watching. It took a few minutes to blink away the shock until it finally hit home. We were under attack and the world just changed direction forever (backwards). 

You gotta love congresswoman, Omar’s description of 9-11: ‘ some people did something’. Or how about the NY Times ‘planes crashed into the twin towers’ - no mention of Islamic terrorists who actually killed all those innocent people. Planes don't kill people on their own. Have we not learned a thing? 

When Donald Trump proposed on TV to temporarily halt Muslim immigration to the US until 'we figure this out' I knew then and there that he is exactly what the American citizens and the world needed. As it turned out, the list of Muslim countries that the Trump administration proposed to limit immigrants from was quite similar to his predecessor's Obama. But of course the MSM and the Democratic party ignored that glaring fact and jumped all over Trump for being (amongst other things) an islamophobe.

If G-d forbid my people in Israel were responsible for most of the world wide terror, I too would expect my government to limit immigration from there. It's called common sense. Nothing at all to do with racism.

Well before this terrible terrorist attack I was quite worried (to say the least) that the very real threat of Islamic terror was expanding at an exponential rate. Most Muslim countries were vying for the leadership of their people to dominate the world using all means possible (terror just being one of them).

When I saw videos of tens of thousands of fanatical Muslim armies armed to the teeth in so many countries especially in the Middle East I knew that I had to get the word out. You can see some of my old blogs where I focussed on this imminent danger. What shocked me then was the ongoing theme that most good people in the West were either totally oblivious to this threat or worse, they refused to even look into it. They stuck their heads in the sand and sadly many continue to do so.

One can easily find all sorts of accurate information about our enemies. Check out this recent video about Iran's military:

I am writing this blog today after watching a 'documentary' on 9-11 the other day. I thought that it's well worth remembering. Some of the footage of the collapse of the twin towers was mind blowing and I don't recall ever seeing it before. But after a while I had to switch channels. Why? Because some of the people interviewed were recanting stories of how they or others were called out for being Muslim while they were running for safety after the attack. Is that the message that  we should be sending to millions of people (many of whom were too young to even know what happened) who were watching this 'documentary' on the anniversary of 9-11?

If in fact some racist comments were made in the heat of the worst terrorist attack ever committed on US soil, I'm sorry. But that should not have been the focus on that TV special at all. What was not mentioned  was that nightmare was perpetrated by Muslim terrorists in their fight to dominate the world. Can you see how the narrative sprung from day one of this attack, was to defend Islam and Muslims? President Bush at the time said that Islam represents peace and his prime concern seemed to protect his partners in oil, the Saudis as he covertly snuck them out of the country even while there was an air traffic ban at the time.

So I'm here to tell you that we still need to focus our attention to the millions of radical Muslims both in and outside of our own borders. Nope, climate change is not the world's biggest threat. Please keep your eyes on the ball. We need to be vigilant for the sake of our grand children. 

What a learning opportunity lost (again)!