Saturday, April 13, 2019

What should we make of the election and the parallels of both US and Israel

Bibi won the election in Israel. Mazel Tov!

I was pretty nervous about the elections in Israel just like I was about the previous US election. Both elections seem to behave oddly very similarly. The mainstream, leftist media in both countries were often predicting that the left leader would win. In the US, Hilary was to be the next president. Gantz was to be Israel's next president. Hilary was Secretary of State under president Obama and of course was the wife of former president Bill Clinton. She was certainly a politician of high importance in the US cabinet. She was a shoe in to win. She had Obama and his administration behind her. And of course lots of money behind her from billionaires like George Soros, Bezos and too many others to note here now. Thankfully she lost. And cried about it. In fact she and many of her Democrat followers still think that she won.

Benny Gantz was Israeli's Chief of Staff in the IDF for many years. A position no less important than Hilary's in the US. I don't know why retired Israeli generals think they'd make good politicians and in Israel's case make great leaders. There are many cases to prove my point. Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak & Yitzhak Rabin come to mind. They were great soldiers and generals but as PM's - not so much. 
Benny Gantz partnered with Yair Lapid who I despise. His only policy was/is to enlist the religious into the IDF. He inherited this self hating trait from his father. I can understand those Israelis who want everyone to serve but Lapid is not doing this for altruistic reasons. Gantz himself had no real policies to speak of other than handing land to Israel's enemies. In any case I'm sure many Israelis, especially the leftists in Tel Aviv still think Gantz and Lapid won. 

The ongoing attacks and what I would call an attempted coup with the Russian collusion hoax against president Trump and the ongoing cigar-gate indictments on PM Netanyahu are again scarily similar.
Both leaders are arguably the most important leaders in the free world. Both countries cannot afford to make serious mistakes or else we'll all suffer. On foreign affairs they've done incredible things. Trump has stopped the Iran deal and is slowly squeezing Iran to death. Bibi has kept Israel alive despite intense efforts by existential enemies on all front trying to wipe her off the map. The economies of both countries are doing extremely well. 

Unlike the States, many of Israeli's younger generation lean to the Right. The method that elections are held in Israel are quite different than in the US especially with their dozens of parties that form alliances in order to get the majority of votes required to win. So in Bibi's case he allied himself with a few right wing parties and religious parties in order to win despite the close vote between his Likud party and Gantz's new Blue and White party. Trump's win over Hilary's was equally close.

I couldn't imagine the damage that would be caused had Gantz won and again thank G-d he didn't!
Likewise the damage to the US and the world would be terrible had a Democrat won. 
The great news is this: The Left in Israel is on the ropes. Israel's official leftist party, Labour is all but deceased. There are many excellent potential leaders on Israel's right. Naftali Bennett, Shaked, Yehuda Glick, Caroline Glick, Baraket, Feiglin,, Smotrich are just a few (notice no generals). None exist on the left. Remember Herzog and Livni? I don't either.

Similarly in the US the Left is in big trouble. Although they have dozens of potential candidates, none are serious contenders. Sanders, although he could have and perhaps should have beaten Hilary is slowly disappearing into dust. Biden, Cuomo, O'rourke, Harris, Warren and other no names are all a joke and have no chance to beat Trump in 2020.

Although in previous articles I've criticized both Trump and Bibi, it was done only because I wanted them to succeed. And they certainly have! 

Here are 3 comments about Bibi from Righteous Gentiles who I know only via the internet:

John D, a military doctor and lawyer who was present when the Muslim terrorist went crazy in Fort Hood (and I doubt anyone could have said this any better):

"Israel cannot afford too many leftists.People don't understand the serious nature of Bibi--who, compared to any other national leader, has personal experience with war, has intellectual heft, and I would suspect has a depth of understanding of intell/foreign affairs that would be hard to match in national leaders around the world.  Israel is lucky to have him. "

Richard F, a DC lawyer:

"Most of all, the guy exhibits a moral clarity unmatched on the world stage. Just replay a few of his speeches given right here in the USA.  They’re like diamonds."

Boyd C, from Canada:

"Bibi is one of the greatest leaders in the world and our wimp PM (Trudeau) should support (Israel) like Harper did."

If only Jews the world over would understand that despite their faults, both Bibi and Trump are fantastic world leaders and like Churchill should be appreciated to the fullest. 

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