Saturday, October 19, 2019

Some Jews are the Cause of Antisemitism

I've been stewing about this topic for a long time now. If you are Jewish (like me) you might not want to hear it. I bet you can guess what/who I'm talking about.

No doubt we are a special people. We are often the leaders of various organizations, corporations and even countries despite our tiny population. In the US today, the Democratic party and the MSM (mainstream media) are trying their best to impeach President Trump. A duly elected president who not only did nothing wrong but did in fact does everything right. The economy is booming like never before. Job growth is through the roof. His foreign policy has made the world a safer place and has put America back on the map as the world leader it once was. 

The scary thing (especially if you happen to be Jewish) is that some of the leaders of this latest attempted coup are Jewish. Namely: 

Adam Schiff, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee

Jerrold Nadler, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee

Bernie Sanders, Senator and presidential candidate

George Soros, Chairman of Open Society Foundations

Micheal Bloomberg, Former mayor of New York City

Dianne Feinstein, Senator,

Brad Sherman, US Representative

Eliot Engel, US Representative

Debbie Wasserman Shultz, US Representative

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook

Jeff Zucker, CEO of CNN

Andrew Lack, Chairman of NBC News and MSNBC

Michael Cohen, former attorney for President Trump and convicted felon

I could go on but I'll stop here. You can see that these are powerful people both in government and in private business. Some are multi-billionaires. I'm sure that most of you either know these people or know the companies they run. Who doesn't use FB? I admit that some on this list are more active in the pursuit of kicking Trump out of office (like shifty Adam Schiff) while others are helping to do it behind the scenes or are helping to do it simply by denouncing him to their followers. In all cases they are certainly influential people. 

Now here's the point and why it scares me and why it should scare you. 

If I was an American who happened to vote for Trump or even someone who didn't vote for Trump in the previous election but likes the fact that he/she now has a good job and can finally afford to support their family and plans to vote for him in 2020, I would be extremely upset about this latest coup attempt to 'impeach' him based on pretty much nothing (again). Next year there will be an election and for those who don't like him, they can attempt to vote him out. That's how democracies are supposed to work. But as we all know, they are scared that he'll win again so the only way to get him out of office is to impeach him now, before the election. 

Now please re-read the previous paragraph and insert the word Gentile in front of the word 'American' in the first sentence. It's well known who some of the leaders of the coup are because they are constantly in the news. It's also easy to find out what religion these people are, thanks to the internet. So if I was that Gentile American who supports Trump and democracy I might start hating Jews. After all, it's these powerful Jews who are leading the charge to destroy the rule of law and throw out a sitting president. Even if I was never an antisemite before, I would consider becoming one now. That's partly how Hitler made his case. He pointed out to Germans that there are powerful and wealthy Jews running the show while the rest of the hard working Gentile citizens could barely make ends meet. This is how Holocausts start. 

Along with all of these powerful Jews there is the majority of American Jews who consistently vote Democrat including most non-orthodox Jewish rabbis. This group, for the most part, seems quite happy to follow the herd and go along with the latest impeachment scam. They are complicit. Again this fact is also widely available to the public. All it would take is some David Duke -like person to point this out to Americans and we (Jews) could be in big trouble. 

We need to distance ourselves from these Jewish leaders and instead support the wonderful Jewish leaders who do follow the Constitution and the rule of law. We need to denounce these terrible Jewish leaders now and make it clear to all Americans and people everywhere, exactly where we stand. And it sure as hell isn't with these self hating, dangerous Jews.

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