Thursday, March 10, 2022

10 Reasons Why Zelensky is No Hero

I cringe every time I hear him being called that. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. A few days ago Putin offered Zelensky a way to stop the war immediately. 

    These are the 4 conditions: 

    Zelensky must agree that Crimea is part of Russia. De facto, it already is. Putin took it over when Obama was in charge.

    Zelensky must consider Ukraine to be neutral (ie. not part of NATO or demand to be). It isn't and wasn't invited to be a member (other than by loony VP Harris who invited them informally on her recent visit - talk about irresponsible escalation). NATO recognized years ago that because Ukraine is so corrupt, it couldn't be relied on to be a trusted NATO member.

    Zelensky must agree that 2 Russian controlled areas, Donetsk and Luhansk become independent states. Like Crimea these areas are almost completely inhabited by ethnic Russians. As such they have been attacked for years by Ukrainians.

    Ukraine must cease military action. Obviously if Russia stops attacking them, they should stop fighting back. 

Do you see a problem with these 4 conditions? I don't. If Zelensky wants to save Ukrainian lives immediately and end this war, he should agree to it. He could also add his own condition:

    NATO and Russia agree to rebuild the damage to Ukraine immediately. I'm sure Putin and NATO would agree to this. It would give Putin a way to save face.

But Zelensky (the hero) declined the offer! He was probably told to decline it by his puppet masters. 

2. Zelensky made a deal with the devil. He agreed to be the puppet of nefarious people including but not limited to:  corrupt oligarchs, WEF leaders like Klaus Schwab, George Soros who profits over wars, powerful rich and corrupt people like Bill Gates, the Clintons, the Bidens, Mark Zuckerberg and the neo Nazi nationalists who control his parliament. In exchange he gets paid well and gets instant fame. Not bad for a comedic actor who pretended to play piano with his penis for laughs not too many years ago. 

Here he is dancing in high heels. Clearly a man of many talents.

3. He is dangerously coercing us in the West to support a NATO (American led) no fly zone over Ukraine to stop any Russian aircraft from flying over Ukraine. This could easily spark WWIII! All it would take is a US jet to confront a Russian jet and blow each other up. This is his most dangerous act to date!

4. He encourages neo Nazi groups to be formally accepted into his government. Although small in number so far, they have undue influence. Recall the Nazi party in the early days in Germany? They too were a small percentage of German society and of the government. But look what they managed to do.

5. Zelensky pressures Israel to provide Ukraine with military aid. And did so publicly (I'm disappointed in Israel)! 

Israel has to deal with constant existential threats from her neighbours. Iran has military bases in nearby Syria that Israel bombs from time to time with its jets. The Russian military are there too to help instruct the Iranians and Syrians how to use their high tech equipment. But Israel and Russia have a tacit agreement that when Israel bombs these military installations, the Russians will let them know where they are and in effect gives Israel a green light to go ahead. Should Israel accede to Zelensky's demand to provide military aid, Russia will without a doubt stop the green light in Syria and elsewhere. Israel would then be in serious trouble! Zelensky certainly doesn't give a damn about Israel despite him being a 'Jewish hero'. BTW not that I care, but his wife is not Jewish, never converted and his son was baptized. As I said in my earlier blog, he is a Jewish as Bernie Sanders. (ie. only when it's convenient)

6.  Ukraine's voting record in the UN regarding Israel, stinks! Under Zelensky's leadership they have voted for resolutions (created by terror nations that are Israel's enemies) to condemn Israel twice and abstained once. As far as I'm aware, they have never once voted against any such resolution that condemns Israel. Again so much for the Jewish hero. 

7. Zelensky is using Jewish refugees in Ukraine as bartering tools (hostages if you will). He will either trade them for military equipment form Israel or perhaps insist that for every one Jew, 10 non-Jews must be taken by Israel as well. Although I have no proof for this yet, what other reason can be given for Israel's record so far on bringing home about 1500 refugees of which only 10% are Jews?

If I'm wrong here and it was Israel alone who demanded to take all refugees regardless of religion on 'moral' grounds' then we have a bigger problem with the current Israeli government. The tiny state of Israel who is under constant existential threat was created as a home for the Jewish people! As per the Balfour Declaration and Israel's own Declaration of Independence, it is clearly defined as a Jewish State. There are hundreds of countries in the world today but only 1 Jewish country. It's destiny depends on its Jewishness. Some of my own Christian friends have asked me why Israel is doing this. Even they understand that it would dilute the Jewish population within Israel. I have no problem saying this to anyone who considers me immoral for taking this stance. The last time a large number of illegal immigrants snuck into Israel from Eritrea, they were granted safe haven. They were housed near the bus terminal in Tel Aviv. Since then, that area has become a no go zone due the high crime rate there.

I find it disturbingly ironic that during the Holocaust not one country wanted to take in any Jews from Europe who were being slaughtered horrifically in large numbers. Yet today Israel is expected to take in non-Jews from a country with blood on its hands for helping to murder millions of Jews!

8. Zelensky is pushing for people from all over the world and his own citizens to join in the fight. As a civilian you will get (if you're lucky) one hour training and a rifle and off you go! To die that is. Some people call that heroic. I call that beyond irresponsible.

9. Ukraine has a vile antisemitic past. They were some of the worst, sadistic murderers on the planet, not only of Jews, but Russians, Gypsies and others. Knowing this (and he does), Zelensky still took the bait to become the president of this cursed state. 

10. Currently Zelensky continues to award his officials the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky! His claim to fame was the murder of tens of thousands of Jews in the mid 1600's. He wanted to eradicate the Jews. In  Ukraine today Bohdan is still considered a hero and there are many statues of him around the country. His picture used to be on their currency. (It still may be)


Jack D said...



Leon Kushner said...

Dear Jack,

U made a blanket statement 'I'm misinformed' with nothing to back that up. My point in posting this is not to spread hate but to inform the public of a different narrative that the MSM is telling us 24/7.
BTW, I would have said the same things as long as they were true (and they are) about anyone regardless of their religion. I studied Lashon Hara and one is permitted to speak negatively of a Jew when there is a benefit so please don't lecture me. I'm trying to save lives. People like you are pushing Ukrainians to fight and get hurt or die, while eating pizza in the comfort of your own home!

Anonymous said...

The FSB needs to hire smarter people to do its propoganda. At least try to make sense even if you are doing propoganda

Unknown said...

Conspiracy theories

Unknown said...

Mr Z is no hero but you sure seem to know a lot about his puppet masters George Soros, bill gates, etc. You must have read it in some blog just as i am reading yours. Fckn Americans and their conspiracy theories

Unknown said...

You are delusional

Unknown said...

Because seeing information that contradicts the narrative that you’ve been told is propaganda.

Unknown said...

Because seeing information that contradicts the narrative that you’ve been told is just a conspiracy theory.

Anonymous said...