Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Queen, shmeen

After reading numerous articles and watching the news about THE QUEEN (ad nauseam), and how fantastic she was and how great the monarchy is, I felt compelled to write this post.

What really got to me were the hundreds of social media posts, decrying what a wonderful woman she was especially from my fellow Jews. 

One can easily find many facts from Jewish articles about how she knighted the late chief rabbi of England, Jonathan Sacks. That was great. Or how she listened with interest to Holocaust survivors when they told her of their escape from Europe and how she even delayed her departure from that event, contrary to monarchy rules (WOW!). How she had many Jewish friends is also a common dubious theme. How about when she hired a mohel (kind of a rabbi who does Jewish circumcissions) to circumcise her son, King Charles. (double WOW!)

Of course there are literally millions of posts about how she'll be so missed (not by me). Her natural beauty and eloquence. Her intelligence, incredible work ethic, posture, costumes, taste, etc.

The world simply won't be the same without her.

Now let me tell you some things you might not want to hear but you should in order to make a fair assessment about who she really was and a bit about the monarchy.

She never once visited my Jewish homeland, Israel, despite visiting over a hundred other states including most of Israel's enemy states, some of which she visited more than once. 

Why didn't she?

Could it be that Britain never forgave Israel for bombing the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 which was British headquarters at the time? Just so you know, that the British sided with the arabs at the time and stopped Jewish immigration to Israel during and after the Holocaust. Millions of Jewish lives could have been saved from the nazi ovens but England (and most other countries) did not let the poor Jews escape to Israel. Some Jews in Israel had enough of the Brits. They were tired of fighting off the arabs who were often supported by the British so they finally bombed the hotel. 

Years later the queen was visiting King Hussain in Jordan when she and the King's wife witnessed Israeli jets flying near the border with Israel. They were both appalled by the site. How terrible for poor Jordan to have to put up with their Jewish neighbours jets who were guarding Israel from Jordanian terrorists!

Then there is her upbringing. In the 2nd photo below one can see her as a child giving a nazi salute along with her uncle, the former King Edward VIII who was a nazi collaborator. The first photo is of her uncle who is palling around with his real nazi friends in Germany in 1937.

Here she is at age 7 doing a wonderful nazi salute!

The monarchy has always blamed the conflict in the Middle East on those pesky European Jews. If only they stayed in Poland, Ukraine or wherever the hell they were in Europe. They have helped to shape the politics in Great Britain in this regard. 

In any case, we'll never know why she refused to visit Israel. 

I do know this. The British monarchy has cost my Canadian citizens millions of dollars over the years. Every time she or a member of her royal family came to Canada, we had to provide security, expensive hotels (only the best for the queen), travel, meeting with government officials and others. 
Add to this we have a governor general who represents the queen (monarchy) who gets paid an annual salary ($50,000 but this might be out of date) and lives in a beautiful residence in Rideau Hall. Has an expense account of $25,000 (again this might be out of date) and employs numerous aids and secretaries. All finances paid for by regular Canadian citizens like myself. 

When I used to work in downtown Toronto in a provincial ministry off our main street University Avenue, I would constantly see city workers plant flowers along the island in the middle of the boulevard. It happens every spring. But then the queen announces a visit and then it was decided (no one asked me) to rip out the newly planted flowers and plant new flowers that were more appropriate for the queen. Now I'm not blaming the queen for this, I'm blaming our stupid government. 

If you were to total the cost of the monarchy to all members of the common wealth, not just Canada, I can only imagine what the queen and her monarchy cost the world over all this time. Billions?

The question is: What was our benefit? I know that we have a lot of homeless people on the street or mothers who can't feed their children. I would much rather dump the queen and save our money to help them. 

The queen was a figurehead. Was she a vile antisemite like her uncle? I don't think so. But she meant nothing to me and if you liked her, great. But please let's get all of the facts out in the open so we can make a fair assessment about her and the monarchy.

Monarchies are remnants of the past. I would suggest that almost (if not all) monarchies today must go. They serve no purpose other than to sustain themselves in a disgusting display of extreme wealth. Most royalties today are extremely corrupt. Look at the ones in Africa and all Muslim states. 
Princess Diana left close to $30 million dollars to her sons. They represent some of the most entitled people on the planet. Of course who can forget prince Harry in a nazi uniform:

I predict that the monarchy will slowly collapse into dust in just a few years. I certainly hope so. 


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