Saturday, December 17, 2022

More Evidence: That the world is Upside Down

I thought I'd have some fun (sort of) with my blog title. So the following is a short list of the latest news items that will prove that the world is in fact upside down. In reality however, there is nothing funny about any of these news items.

                                            Upside down world

So in no particular order, here goes:

The United States announced humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. Apparently the 2 trillion dollars in aid (both military and other)  that the US has given them over the years was not nearly enough. Neither were the billions of dollars of the latest military weaponry that the US left them after they killed some US soldiers. Good news though. The US confirmed that their weaponry often breaks down due to the hot, sandy weather there. No more worries....

In order to avert WWIII with Russia, the US is now supplying Ukraine with the latest missile defence systems that only American soldiers can operate.  Apparently the 54 billion dollars they've given to Ukraine wasn't enough. 

In order to stop Iran from its completion of nuclear weapons which it has clearly stated that it wants to use them against both the great satan (US) and the little satan (Israel) and other states (Europe), the US and the EU continue to fund the worlds greatest terror state (Iran). Apparently the 1.7 billion dollars Obama gave Iran in cash, secretly overnight, was not enough. 

Americans and others in the West wish to help young children deal with severe depression and even suicide by offering and often pushing them into sex change operations with or without their parents approval. Offering a different opinion can land you in jail.

Following the science on Covid. There is much debate about the efficacy of the vaccinations available today. But having an opposing opinion or even questioning some of the supposed 'facts' about them (or other medicines) pushed by the very pharmaceutical companies that produce them, can land you in jail. This also applies to the strict mandates that the world (most of it) has undergone, such as closing schools, businesses, restricting travel and forcing the elderly to die alone in isolation. 

In order to save the planet, most countries in the West are pushing to get rid of fossil fuels and replace them with wind and solar power. Honest scientists will agree that not only is this not feasible at this time (maybe never), but attempting to do this now will cause misery and death to many on the planet. It already has. Recall the terrible Texas freeze because they thought they could replace oil (which they have in abundance) with wind turbines? What a disaster - they are still paying for it. Or how about Germany who laughed at then President Trump who warned them not to rely on wind or solar or Russian oil? Get your sweaters on....

The Supreme Court in Israel has outlawed the late Rabbi Kahane's, Kach party (the most pro-Israel, Jewish political party there ever was) but allows many vile antisemitic, anti Israel, Arab parties in its parliament (Knesset). 

President Biden suggested that Russia blew up its own multi billion dollar, under water,  natural gas pipelines. Hmmmm...

We have a president in the USA who rarely knows what day it is (I wonder if he knows the codes to their nuclear missile bases?) and a PM in my country, Canada, who like Biden gets everything wrong. Coincidence? I don't think so. Think WEF.

I got kicked off the Times of Israel blog because I had the audacity to accuse George Soros as an antisemite and a war monger. Their response: He's Jewish and he gives a lot to charity. They forgot to mention that he donates to their newspaper. 

According to the Biden administration, we are not in a recession. Sometimes he does change his mind. His proof? He still gets to fly on his helicopter anytime he wants and eat any flavour of ice cream he desires. 

CNN was the #1 news outlet from the US reporting on the war from Ukraine until it accidentaly filmed a Ukrainian soldier doing a nazi salute. Then they got kicked out.

Despite the tons of evidence that the US presidential election was stolen, the Democrats and other nefarious organizations and foreign entities have been and continue to crucify President Trump. Absolutely no let up from them. Meanwhile, just about every person who wanted to speak up about the corrupt Clinton Foundation have mysteriously died. As secretary of state she got away with using her personal phone for sharing top secret info and then destroying the evidence. Letting American's die a horrible yet avoidable death in Libya was another unforgettable achievement. 

But the Biden family has been arguably more criminal than the Clinton's. President Biden and his family (especially his son Hunter) have been compromised by just about every state government in the world. He has every government agency plus the mainstream media protecting him and his family from justice. His overt criminal behaviour gets an A for chutzpah!

Speaking of President Trump, who was the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president in modern times, most Jews (especially reform) accuse him of being an antisemite and comparing him to Hitler!

I could go on and on but I'll stop here (for now).

Happy Hanuka and Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I need to drop a tab of acid to get away from all of this!

Lea Farkash said...

Great article.
The truth has disappeared