Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It's Not About the Hostages

There are 3 huge misconceptions going on simultaneously. 

1. The first and most obvious is all this nonsense about a peace deal with Hamas. Hamas does not want peace with Israel, never has and never will. They only care about the Israeli hostages they abducted almost a year ago insofar as the hostages are the best collateral for Hamas's war with Israel and Jews everywhere. As long as they suck us in to believing that they want a deal with Israel (any deal whereby the release of some or all hostages, alive or dead) this breathes more life into their eternal fight with Israel. Sad to say but they've already learned that they can achieve a lot by kidnapping Israelis. They bloody well know where they can get more. The Gilad Shalit hostage deal (1 man in exchange for 1,027 convicted terrorists in prison including Sinwar) helped to prove this to them.  

And if this causes them strife (ie. they have to live in tunnels along with the hostages for months or years) they can handle it. If it means that thousands of Gazans will die in the process, even better for them. It makes for great PR and sympathy for their bogus cause. We often talk of the useful idiots in the West who protest side by side with pro-Hamas demonstrators. But the real useful idiots are actually the Gazans and other Arabs (most call themselves Palestinians although we know that there are no such people). Since they are the ones really suffering at their own hands!

2. This leads me to the second misconception which is the despicable world wide demonstrations calling for a ceasefire by Israel. Note that not one protest ever calls for Hamas, Hezbolla or the other terror groups to stop firing rockets and missiles at Israelis. So clearly their concern over loss of life is disingenuous. If they are truly concerned about Gazans then they should encourage Israel to finish off Hamas as soon as possible. Not only would it be the best bet to free the hostages but it would also free the noose around Gazans living under a horrific Hamas noose. 

As mentioned in point 3 below, most of these demonstrations are sponsored by and initiated by Iran and their proxies and supporters. 

3. The third and far less obvious misconception is that today's protests by the Left in Israel are about the hostages. Almost all the mainstream media tell us that these Israeli protesters blame Bibi for not doing enough to free them. 

This is false. It's not about the hostages! The protests are instigated by extreme leftists who hate Bibi and his right wing coalition. They are initiated and planned by nefarious people and organizations like George Soros, the infamous self hating Jew who have recruited many compromised political leaders like Ehud Barak, Olmert, Lapid, Gantz and others. The anti-Israeli Biden administration, the mullas in Iran, the UN, the WEF and many other governments and far Left organizations are also aiding and financially supporting these protests. Every time a state leader like Trudeau in my country says publicly that Israel is creating a genocide in Gaza, they are helping Hamas and Iran. Every time a world leader like Biden says Bibi is not doing enough to free the hostages, they are helping Hamas and Iran. 

Some of the protesters are well intentioned Jewish Israelis and others living outside of Israel who like me and you, want the hostages freed. But they have been brainwashed to think that if only Bibi made a deal to give Hamas what they want, that would save the hostages. Of course they couldn't be more wrong. As Bibi articulated so well from the beginning, the best chance of releasing them is to attack Hamas with full force. By putting extreme pressure on them (ie. when their lives are on the line) only then might they release the hostages as they try to escape. Holding on to border crossings with Egypt (like Rafah) where all the smuggling by Hamas takes place is absolutely required to reach that goal of defeating Hamas and releasing the remaining hostages. Doing anything else is counter productive. The war would never end and the hostages would continue to languish in the tunnels. 

But the majority of the protesters in Israel simply despise Bibi. Why? Because he wants Israel to remain a Jewish state, not simply one more democratic western style country. That's why he and his party welcome the religious parties into his coalition. Most of the Leftwing protesters (if not all) are not only secular Jews but are anti-Jewish. They despise the Haredim (ultra orthodox Jews) even more than they hate Hamas, Hezbolla, the PA and Iran! 

Today they are protesting against Bibi because they say he's not doing enough to free the hostages. But if you recall prior to Oct 7 they also held huge protests against him and his government. Then the reason was because he wanted to institute supreme court reforms and they were adamantly against it. I can guarantee you that if the hostages were released tomorrow, they would find another reason to protest and demand his resignation. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I agree with all your points.