Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Parable

2 Billion Martians came to our planet.  Some were peaceful some not. They came here for different reasons. Their rulers on Mars were dictators who ruled with iron fists. Yes, their firsts were actually made of iron.

All the martians had to follow Martian Law. Some didn’t like Martian Law. They felt very stifled and wanted to explore other planets and live free lives. They were tired of being told what to do, how to act and how to think. Their little Martian babies were brainwashed to follow Martian Law without questioning it. Most however were already indoctrinated over centuries of living under Martian Law. Their parents having even taught them that it was good to die as a martyr when defending their original Martian ruler, Marzipan. Many came to spread Martian Law as proscribed in the Book of Mars. This is the breakdown of the Martians that came to Earth:

           # Martians Description

  1. 500,000,000   Peaceful. They wanted to escape Mars and integrate and assimilate into Earth’s           Western style liberated, democratic cultures and live respectful lives along with their hosts. They were either secular Martians of they refused to see themselves as Martians any longer. They ran away from Mars and wanted to nothing to do with Martian Law any longer.
  2. 1,000,000,00  Came here to spread Martian Law. Although they were not terrorists, they     supported the terrorists in secret. They took every advantage of the good hearted people on Earth. This group had elements of group 3 below but were mostly non-violent especially when they were a small part of the population of their host countries.
  3. 250,000,000 Besides spreading Martian Law, most were violent. They started riots, demanded free housing, medical, money and felt that they were above our laws. They raped women, robbed and killed when they felt like it. They helped the group below any way they could, especially by housing them and financing their military. They tried to be our slave masters whenever possible.
  4. 250,000,000 Army of terrorists. This group was famous for beheading Earthlings and videotaping it in order to spread fear in the hearts of our people. They used any method to kill any non-Martian as well as Martians who belonged to the first group above.

At first, our leaders were clamouring over themselves to befriend this strange group of Martians. After all we love our fellow man/martian.  However after only a short time we shortly discovered that many of them were dangerous, lying, murderers. But still we let them in as we were already indoctrinated by political correctness. After a few months some of the most powerful Western nations mostly lead by their citizens had had enough and decided to limit Martian immigration. They sited that the murder, rape, robbery and general crime rate had gone thru the roof. They also cited that economically they could no longer support these Martians as they were bankrupting the country. They also noted that although by far the majority of the Martians were peaceful, after all half a billion of them were great citizens and wanted to assimilate, very few tried to stop the bad behaviour of the other groups. Even fewer attempted to identify the the army of terrorists. It was clear that the majority of the entire 2 billion Martians would prefer if planet Earth was controlled by Martians and followed Martian law. Most importantly people noticed that is was the second group of a billion Martians that were the biggest problem as they were destroying our countries by sucking the resources dry. Earthlings were working so hard to support them, so much so that Earthlings could no longer support themselves. The economy was in the toilet and society was rotting badly.

Legislation was eventually passed to limit Martian immigration and 90 % of the leaders and citizens were on the same page. The remaining 10% were comprised of people who somehow managed to avoid the negative affects of the Martians. They were either very wealthy leaders with armed guards or they lived in remote, isolated areas. Once in a while a Martian would enter their lives by raping their daughter and then they’d change their mind. The army and police were invoked to stop the Martian immigration until they could properly vet exactly which group the Martians were part of. If they couldn’t be sure, they couldn’t come in. In time, the Western countries liberated themselves from the yoke of the Martians and kicked all of them, save group one, out of their countries and life returned to normal.

If you substitute Martians with any other group of people, Jews, Christians, Blacks, Chinese or Indians  the story could remain the same. But if you substitute Muslims with Martians in the above parable, the ending is quite different and scary.
Why is it when it’s Muslims that we react differently?  Are we frightened? Are we already indoctrinated to an insane political correctness when it comes to Islam?

Why is it that very few world leaders & people have said that they want to limit Muslim immigration until migrants are properly screened rather than blindly letting them all in by the millions? Especially after having seen first hand the consequences of doing just that?

Here's one world leader who had the guts to say it. Ironically he pointed to Brussels as the problem not long before the recent terror attack there.  Hungary's Orban speaks out!

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