Saturday, December 28, 2019

Welcome to the Socialist Dominion of Canada

Here is some news that none of the mainstream media (MSM) feels worthy of news coverage but I certainly feel that it does. Let me know after you read this if you agree or not.

While our national state sponsored broadcaster in Canada, the left winged CBC, has decided that it was of the utmost importance to cut a 10 second cameo appearance of President Trump out of the movie Home Alone 2 (yes folks, that's why we pay them the big bucks), they failed to report on a high school in Nova Scotia that has for a long time now, posted pictures of some of their heroes (certainly not mine and hopefully not yours): Karl Marx and Che Guevara! 

Thanks to my colleague Jeremy Valentine, who lives out east, we are all now privy to what passes as history in our Canadian schools where opinion replaces fact and feelings trump everything. 

Despite Jeremy's numerous attempts to notify the school, the department of education and the mayor of the city of Truro where this school (Cobequid Educational Center) is located, of this terrible 'mistake', he's received no replies to my knowledge.  Worse still, the pictures remain prominently displayed so that children can be brainwashed to think that these men are heroes. I urge you all to contact the school (notice I embedded the link to it above) and let them know what you think of this dreadful practice. 

Here are the pictures as they are displayed on the school walls:

Karl Marx the founder of Communism

Che Guevara the man who wrote the book on Guerrilla Warfare

Are these the men that you would want your children to emulate? Karl Marx who came up with a  political idea called 'Communism' which helped destroy hundreds of millions of lives?
Or Che Guevara who is idolized over his poems about class struggle while killing political opponents, bringing Russia's nuclear weapons to Cuba and hanging homosexuals amongst other things? Who is running this school? It wouldn't surprise me if other schools throughout our glorious country also have posters of similar heroes. After all, if our own Prime Minister praised dictators often enough (like Cuba's Fidel Castro- Che's buddy) then why shouldn't our educational system follow suit?

Our schools are so important. They help shape the minds of our most valuable asset. Our children. It's been very obvious, to me and others that our schools have been infected with various leftist ideologies like political correctness, virtue signalling and hiding any facts, historical or current which don't fit their narrative. Look, I couldn't care less if some people idolize Che, Karl or Hitler. We live in a democracy and people are free to think what they want. But I draw the line about what our children our taught. We all should. These children are going to lead our country one day soon. And if they have been indoctrinated to think that Karl and Che are leaders worth emulating, then we are all in big trouble. 

I urge you all to write to the school principal. His name is: William Kaulbach. His email is:  Here is my email to him:

Dear Principal Kaulbach,

It has come to my attention that your school has posters of Karl Marx and Che Guevara. I am sickened by the prospect of children being brainwashed to think that these men are some sort of hero. You should be too. Karl’s idea of communism helped destroy hundreds of millions of lives! Che wrote the book on guerrilla warfare, killed his political opponents and hanged homosexuals while writing poems on class struggle. Is there a shortage of good people that you could have used as heroes for your students to emulate? If you need help on this, I’m here to help.

I urge you to remove these obscene posters immediately. Also to teach your students exactly who these men were and to instruct your students and perhaps your staff (including yourself) about the dangers of communism. 

1 comment:

Dr. Stephen Avrington said...

Thank you for writing and telling the truth about Canadian 'education' today. There is no question that this school in Nova Scotia is simply one example of many. Many such publicly funded indoctrination facilities throughout the country.
Decades of sedition, plotting, infiltration of every facet of Canada;media, politics, legal and education have truly made Canada anti-Canadian. If one is patriotic today they are immediately labeled. if one simply questions any 'politically correct' subject propagated by the aforementioned they are destroyed.
This situation is something that came about by design and not a mistake.
Insanitoriums like the one this Mr. Valentine had brought to your attention is an utter disgrace to any parent. In fact, all parents that hand their children over to these bastions of politically correct conditioning should, not only question the 'educators' that they leave their children with, their 'educational' system but most importantly the corrupt politicians that had brought these situations into reality or did nothing to prevent them.
A fabulous article Mr. Kushner. My fingers are crossed that anything will be done about this, and many other situations; like "be a Muslim for a day", "be a homosexual for a day" or teaching kids sex "education" in grade 4 with free, tax payer financed, condoms.....sad.
The only comment I would hold regarding your writing is that Karl Marx was a co-founder of Communism with Friedrich Engels who is largely, and intentionally 'forgotten', usually because he is not Jewish.
Further, and due to this subject being expunged from our history texts is the fact that Karl Marx, like Mr. Engles, actually attained the thesis, or base, of/for their Utopian Socialist: Communism philosophy during their days as members of a 'secret society' called "The League of the Just" or "The League of the Just Men.".
So the International Socialist philosophy: schema and scope had been around long before Mr. Marx and Mr. Engles had placed them forward in a structured organizational work for the Communist Party in 1848: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei.
It is my opinion that a group of concerned parents should sue everyone associated with this school and the educational system itself in Nova Scotia; Principal, Minister of Education, Premier...I could imagine if the portraits were of National Socialist Adolf Hitler that would be the exact outcome..
CBC should pick up your topic Mr. Kushner to educate the Canadian masses however integrity is something that had vanished from their operations decades ago...