Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Obama Mainstreamed Black Antisemitism in the US

This is an another elephant in the room story. While Jews like me and especially orthodox Jews in Toronto are relatively safe, our brothers and sisters south of the border are being killed. In the last few weeks at least 9 terrible, antisemitic attacks that include many dead, have taken place in the New York city area. From rabbis to children, any obviously looking Jewish person is a potential target for attacks. And who is doing the attacking? Black Antisemites.

I know that the Left would prefer to have us believe that the attackers were white supremacists. But unfortunately for them, they are not. That's unless people of colour can be white supremacists. As far as I know, so far at least, that's impossible. 

There are many articles and videos about the terrible attacks on TV, on the internet and in the newspapers. Although the antisemitic attacks have been ongoing for years, the murderous attacks have finally hit the mainstream media (MSM). Even my local Toronto news (CP24) talked about the murderous attacks around New York and New Jersey. But what really made me want to vomit was their constant clips of an influential black antisemite, Reverend Al Sharpton, talking about fighting racism (I noted that he never mentioned the word 'antisemitism'). He was the main guy responsible for inflaming the Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn in the early ninety's where Black on Jewish violence flourished.  One can also watch New York's mayor Bill de Blasio  blame the antisemitic attacks on white skin heads and more recently blame President Trump. This too is no less vile. Rather than admit that he himself is to blame (at least in part) for his city's troubles, he, like most left leaning politicians, are quick to blame the president for all and any problem in the world today. 

But where did this Black antisemitism come from? One can make the point that it started with Muslim slave leaders in Africa generations ago. But the current spate of Black antisemitism in the US  can and should be attributed directly to former president Obama. For starters, he was Black (at least he certainly looked Black and identified as one despite having a White mother).  And despite the libellous charges of Trump being an antisemite (I won't even bother to negate this insane charge), it's Obama who was/is the antisemite. And being two faced, he is arguably more dangerous than most. After listening to his more straightforward Black, antisemitic, preacher for 20 years, Reverend Wright, Obama was finally forced to publicly disassociate himself from him. I called him straightforward because unlike Obama, the Black reverend declared his antisemitism and for that matter, his proud hatred for Whites and even Americans publicly at church every week for years. But you might recall that it took Obama months to finally be pushed to not finally not select Wright as the White House's official clergyman. The fact that Obama even considered him for the post should have sent shock waves to the world. But as usual, the MSM gave him a pass on this. 

It also gave him a pass on his friendship with some of the nastiest antisemites in the West today. Like his friendship with the Black leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan! Apparently if you are Black you can easily get away with calling Jews anything you want and Farrakhan who has tens of thousands of Black followers who are quite happy to agree with his every word seems to have found a voice among his community.  Obama made it clear over his 8 years as president that it was okay to discriminate against Jews and of course the Jewish homeland, Israel. It wasn't long as president before he broke tradition with all previous presidents of both parties, and said out loud that 'we must put daylight between the US and Israel'. And when he got a pass from the MSM and support from most in the Democratic party, even including the Left wing Jews, he implemented those haunting words. I won't repeat my posts about his many anti-Israel, pro-Muslim actions here (you can view my older posts like this one and review them) but suffice it to say that US-Israel relations were at an all time low under his presidency. If the Black president of the US is seen in photo-ops with another Black leader who called the Jews termites then certainly he is giving the green light to others to do the same. 

                                Obama and Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus Meeting

In fact the Congressional Black Caucus has befriended all of the influential Black antisemites along with their hero Obama. Other good friends of the former president include Reverend Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton who are also antisemites who happen to be Black. Conservative Black leader Larry Elder recently admitted that today approximately 30% of American Blacks are antisemites. But you won't hear that statistic from any White source because we are too scared to broach this politically incorrect topic. 

President Obama surrounded himself with antisemites. Some were White like defense secretary Chuck Hagel,  ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power or foreign policy adviser Zbigniew Brzenzinky. But many were Black. Like national security advisor, Susan Rice or his early mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Even Obama's Black wife, Michelle had no love for Jews. She gave the International  Women of Courage award to antisemite Samira Ibrahim who quotes her hero, Hitler, often. 

I think I've made my point, as politically incorrect as it might be. Thank you President Obama! 

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